chapter iv - persuasion

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as it turns out, apparition doesn't hurt, but boy, does it make you feel dizzy!

as we emerge in the central corridor of the ministry, snape stands tall and established. i, however - my hand still placed on his forearm- struggle to get my bearings. my feet stumble on the ground below me, and i rely on snape to keep me upright.

"let's not make a habit of me being your personal stabilizer, miss swanboro."

"i'm sorry, professor. again."
i think back to earlier, when he had saved me from falling face-first into the wall of the gargoyle elevator.

i remove my hand from his arm, attempting to keep myself stood up alone. i succeed, but that doesn't stop snape from watching me, i assume to check that i am able to.
when it seems he is satisfied, he mutters a quick "shall we?", to which i nod, and we make our way towards the lifts.

"which department is it we're going to, professor?"

"your father, cornelius and a few high-ranking officials are gathered in the ministry dining quarters. they're expecting us."

"right. that takes the edge off. i didn't exactly fancy turning up unannounced."

snape didn't say anything, except an inaudible "mhm".
i should've expected the conversation wouldn't run far.

we reached the lifts and he curtly stands aside, allowing me first entry.
wow, chivalry isn't dead, i thought.

he stood in and did some kind of wandless magic, sending the elevator backwards.

fucking hell, i think, as the lift turns and zooms off in all kinds of directions. there seems to be no end to my unsteadiness today! just when i think i'm on the verge of passing out, the lift comes to an abrupt stop.

i look over to my left in shock. i haven't got a clue how snape can stand unaffected by the numerous dizziness-inducing activities we've been partaken in today. he is some kind of truly indestructible, arnold schwarznegger 'terminator' type superhuman (yes, i love muggle action movies!).

"now," he says in an authoritative tone, "when we go in there, you are going to do the talking. is that understood?" i nod.
"i, personally, would prefer the honours, but i am under dumbledore's strict command that this be a civil, nonviolent affair between you and your father. therefore, i will remain silent, unless otherwise is absolutely necessary."

"so, you're going to be my wallflower?"

"your what?" he uttered.

i laugh. "it doesn't matter, professor. let's just get this over and done with." i step out of the lift and start walking down the corridor, towards the dining quarter entrance.

unbeknownst to me, snape remains still for a moment longer, lingering on the words that had left my lips not seconds ago: my wallflower.

i wonder why it is the ministry are so quick to accept this meeting when they are adamant our argument is false.
"professor," snape catches up, "why would they give themselves a chance to hear us out? seems pretty futile on their part, if they are as strong in their resolve as they appear."
walking together, he furrows his brow.
"most likely because it is you they'd be opening their ears to. your father is more open-minded than he'd have cornelius believe."

perhaps my father wasn't as ignorant to my pleas as i had initially thought. maybe he even agreed with me. although, like i mentioned before, over the summer he hadn't wanted to hear any mention of voldemort's return. so much so i had been shipped off over 100 miles away!

thinking deeper as we neared the dining quarters, i came to the conclusion that maybe he had an ulterior motive that was favourable to the cause - the cause the ministry was trying so hard to extinguish. one he had to keep hidden, to preserve his status. his influence was, after all, extremely valuable in changing public perspective.. in any case, he had quite a lot of explaining to do, and i was intending on getting answers.

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