chapter v - leaky cauldron

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tuesday, september 2nd - 10:30pm

we disapparate from the ministry atrium and reappear at the entrance of the leaky cauldron.

this time, i ensured i had a firmer grip on snape's arm, as i didn't want to make it seem as though i couldn't apparate with sufficient stability. i wanted to make a good impression; i was going to be taking his apparition lessons this year, after all!

despite my precautionary measure, snape still uttered a distinct, "are you stable?," as i stood as proudly as i could.
"yes, thank you, professor! look!"

i run into the street and start to twirl around on the road. i then stand still, smiling at him, gesturing both of my arms out in a "see!" manner.
it is pretty dark in this dimly-lit area, but i swear i see a small smile appear on his face - almost a proud smile. you wouldn't have been able to see it if you weren't looking for it, but i had an ulterior motive of my own: to thaw out snape's cold exterior.

i walk back to him, and he opens the door to the pub, standing aside, letting me go in first.

someone ought to give this man a medal.

i walk in and get an intense whiff of nostalgia. i used to come here often. tom, the landlord, used to babysit me when i was younger. then, when i became old enough to work (perhaps too young, but i practically begged him) at 13, i began to help the housemaids clean the rooms. i stopped working last summer, because O.W.L preparations were in full swing. i hadn't been back since.

i noticed the pub was about half-full, which was peculiar for such a hotspot as here. these days though, many adhere to a 10pm curfew - those who believed that the dark lord is back, anyway.

"well i'll be damned." tom stands behind the bar, a tea towel flung across his shoulder. he's wearing an apron - he must be cooking his famous pasties!
i smile widely, and do an excited jog towards him. we embrace tightly.

"i have missed you so much!"

he breaks the hug, extending his arms out which are still on my waist.

"you've gotten so big!" he sounds almost emotional, before diverting his gaze behind me, at professor snape.
tom lets go and places his hand on my shoulder as he walks past me and towards him.

he extends his hand out to snape, who takes it. they share a strong handshake, and then tom ushers him further away to the other, quieter side of the pub. they are having a conversation, but i can't quite make out what they're saying.

instead of trying to, i make my way towards the oven, and peek inside.
sure enough, it contains trays-full of pasties! they smell amazing.
i go and set my bag down on a nearby table, and sit down.

taking my phone out of the bag, i notice it is inundated with text notifications from the group chat i have with the twins.
i open them up.

*fred: how is it going? let us know.*
*george: are you alright, chloe?*
*fred: we've found out harry is being held hostage at malfoy manor."
*george: dumbledore has called an emergency order meeting tomorrow at 8am. he wants you and snape there.*
*me: hi guys. how is everyone? @ leaky cauldron now. dad being a dick, same with cornelius. not sure if successful. omg. rescue mission?! can't we go tonight?!*
*george: thank godrick you're alright. was starting to worry. all alright here. we can't go tonight. must trust dumbledore. not happy with it though.*
*fred: we offered to head there now, but dumbledore said it wasn't the right time. he must have a plan. will probs find out what it is at meeting tomoz. get some rest.*
*george: good night chlo. x*
*me: ok. see you guys tomorrow. love yous. x*
10:46pm - fred and george reacted ♡

i look up, and they're still talking.
i reckon i had better go and check into my room.

"tom," i ask, they both stop talking and facd me, "i'm sorry to interrupt, but can i please go up to my room now?"

"ofcourse, pumpkin," he says, as he grabs some keys (and a pumpkin pasty!) from behind the desk and passes them over. pumpkin was always the nickname he gave me when i was younger - i could never be found without one of his pasties in my hand!

"thank you. good night." i hug tom, and smile at snape, who nods his head.

i grab my bag and set off upstairs.
i unlock the door of room 9, and go inside, locking it behind me.

i will forever love how cozy the rooms at the leaky cauldron are. from the aged wooden furniture, to the soft rugs on the floor, it always feels like home here.

i discard my shoes beside the bed, and sit on it.
i'm not quite tired enough sleep yet, so i decide to watch some pirates of the caribbean (at world's end is superior!) on my laptop. taking it out of my bag, i get the film ready and get comfortably under the duvet, leaning against the headboard. i also eat my pasty!

i love muggle films so much. hermione introduced me to them when we first met, and ever since, i have been enjoying diving down movie rabbit holes.

i must have been a good half an hour in, when i heard a knock at the door. pausing the film, and setting my laptop aside, i creep towards the door. through the peephole, i see professor snape. what does he want at this time?

i open the door.
"is everything okay, professor?"

"may i come in? i won't be long."

"sure." i step aside, allowing him to enter. he walks in, in a somewhat speedy fashion.

"what's up?" i ask, closing the door.

"i am told you are aware of the order of the phoenix meeting."

"yes, fred and george informed me, why?"

"as such, we will not be returning to hogwarts tomorrow. we will rendezvous with the others at 12 grimmauld place at the desginated time."

i could've guessed that much.

"does that mean we will be rescuing harry, professor?"

"i cannot be certain what dumbledore has planned. even if that was the case, i highly think it unlikely you'd be selected for the mission."

i stood there for a moment. i was about to protest, but i knew he was right. there were far more skilled wizards and witches than myself in the order to undertake such an endeavour. harry would need them.

"we will get him back, miss swanboro."

i look up and give him a thin-lipped 'thank you' smile.

"now get a good night's sleep. i expect you up and downstairs by 7am."

"yes, professor."

he walks towards the door, stopping just as he passes me. he turns his head slightly, making eye contact with me. my heart skips a beat. he looks like he wants to say something further, but he walks out and closes the door behind him.

confused, i get myself settled into bed, closing my laptop. i will finish the film later. i cast a quick nox, and the lights go out. soon after, i fall into a deep sleep.

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