9 - At Sea

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Lady Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast, Seeker and 78th in line to the Nevarran Throne knew that the three days they had waited to begin the journey to Ostwick wasn't enough time for her Inquisitor's body to heal, let alone his fragile mind after the death of his brother. However, within three days of his return, they were packing for the long road ahead of them, planning the route they would take to get there in the least amount of time but also the easiest route bearing in mind that they were going to be transporting Lord Henry Trevelyan's body back to his family.

Her love, the Inquisitor, had written the hardest letter he had ever had to do that next morning to inform his Mother and Father, his brother's wife and children, that he had been attacked and killed on his way to Skyhold. The Seeker had sat at his side the entire time comforting as she watched his hand struggle to write the words, faltering when he had to finally place into writing what had happened. The Inquisitor had been hurt, more than he had been for a long time when he sought revenge on the bandits that took his brother's life. Cassandra knew that the bruising and wounds would heal but he would never get over the grief he felt and the guilt for his actions leading to his eldest siblings death.

They had decided it would be best to travel with the least amount of attachment as possible, they didn't want to draw too much attention to the Inquisitor party that would be travelling to Ostwick and they didn't want to bring the full strength of the Inquisitor's forces across the sea and into the Free Marches. Cassandra knew that the Free Marchers were suspicious of outsiders; they had very little organised structure between the cities and regions and liked to keep themselves to themselves. They had agreed it would be best to carry this out as quickly and quietly as they could, no Inquisition banners or pomp and splendour. They all knew this would put the Inquisitor at risk if word got out that he was travelling without much protection, after all for all the friends and influence he had, he had also made a lot of very powerful enemies. Lady Pentaghast was relieved when Commander Cullen had volunteered to travel with them, with a very small handful of his soldiers to assist with Henry's body and their provisions. As much as she knew her Lord Trevelyan was an unstoppable force, he was still injured and would risk himself to protect her. At least with Cullen at their side, he could help keep the situation under control. The Spymaster, Leliana, had agreed to send some of her scouts ahead to ensure they didn't run into any trouble on the road and she would make sure that they arrived at Ostwick unnoticed before the main party.

Lady Pentaghast groans when she feels the large lurch of the ship when it is forced out of the water by another wave of fast-flowing water and the current rough sea conditions. They had used this route many times before, sailing from Jader to the other Cities located on the edge of the sea meant they spent a lot less time trying to navigate over mountains on horseback. If the conditions were good, they could half the time they spent travelling by sailing for a few days before cutting inland. Cassandra groans again and curls herself up tighter into a ball, she had never been a fan of the time spent on the water but she had never found herself feeling so unwell before.

"Can I get you anything?" Lord Trevelyan asks glancing over his shoulder from his spot at the window. The Seeker feels his eyes on her and hears the worry in his voice, wondering what kind of state she looked to be in, she could only imagine this sickness had just as much to do with their growing child as it did the rough conditions of the sea. The last two weeks had been trying, the worry of his actions after he had heard the news of his brother had left her a wreck and then they only had three days to gather themselves before this trip. Cassandra felt drained and exhausted, they'd spent three days travelling through the mountains from Skyhold, another whole day in the saddle to reach Jader and then she knew they had at least another three days at sea before they would reach Ostwick.

"Tell him to stop steering us at the waves." Lady Pentaghast replies with another groan, she brings her hands to her stomach wishing this nausea would leave her so she could at least get some rest.

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