15 - Jack

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Lady Pentaghast feels his grip on her hand tighten as they step off of the staircase and down into the front hall of the Trevelyan estate, she wraps her arm around his placing her other hand on his bare forearm. Cassandra can immediately hear noise coming from a room on the ground floor and the sound of people talking, at the end of a hallway in front of them. They had washed and dressed quickly after receiving a severe telling off by the Commander for "rolling around on the floor and keeping people waiting" for them and were now on their way to join the rest of the family for breakfast. She feels him rub his thumb against her hand as she glances at him, so happy that he is back with her and is currently the same Inquisitor she fell in love with all those months ago. No vial around his neck and considering the circumstances of their visit he seemed happy to be home.

The Seeker hears some light laughter coming from the room and the sound of children chatting happily, this is what having a family sounded like and she couldn't wait till Skyhold had the same sound every morning. After all, the Inquisitor himself had said they were going to fill Skyhold with their beautiful children. Cassandra smiles when he places his arm around her shoulder pulling her against his side, she knew they were going to need to find out how to remove the taint from her lover but for now she was glad he was himself and that he was happy to be home and about to see his parents and Nephews.

"That smells amazing." The Seeker whispers leaning closer to her Lord Trevelyan as he leads her down the hallway, she lifts her nose into the air taking in the smells of the food that is being offered to them for breakfast, making him chuckle. She was eating for two, she was allowed to be hungry.

Cassandra lets her eyes travel over the paintings that line the walls, mostly paintings of the current inhabitants of the home with a few historical pieces thrown in for good measure. She reads some of the names of his relatives as they walk, looking between each grand-looking Templar and each important-looking Chantry Brother or Sister.

"You must be hungry.." She adds looking to him again as they stop outside the door that she has recognised as being the dining room. Cassandra smiles again when she hears a squeal of a child's excitement coming from the other side of the door, The Inquisitor talked non-stop about the two boys that held a tight grasp of his heart and how much he couldn't wait to see them.

"Don't ever mention you are hungry in this house." The Inquisitor chuckles again. "My mother will feed you until you are fit to burst and then still ask you if you would like another slice of cake." He adds making Cassandra smile, she loved his mother and she was exactly how she imagined she would be; warm and kind. "It is a surprise we ever managed to fit in our armour after visiting home." Lord Trevelyan sighs as he pats his stomach.

The Seeker loved the Trevelyan family most of all because although they were one of the most influential families in the Free Marches, with one of the largest estates and accumulated wealth of all the nobles, they tried to not live over extravagantly. Their home was beautiful and grand, filled to the rafters with beautiful things and family history but they didn't have hundreds of servants dashing around waiting on them hand and foot. His mother had people to help keep the house in order and a cook to help her with the food but she still pitched in like any normal woman would in her own home. They had help keeping the gardens looking immaculate but she knew Lord Trevelyan liked to keep himself busy in his grounds. She loved them because they were the most un-noble noble family she had ever met, just the kind of nobles she liked.

"Maybe she would teach me how to make a cake? A better one than my last one?" Cassandra laughs when she sees her lover shake his head with great enthusiasm, she was sure she could still recall the awful texture and taste of his birthday cake that she had so lovingly made for him.

"No more cake, we made a deal." The Inquisitor smiles as he ducks his head to kiss her, they were going to have to be on their best behaviour at breakfast, a lot more guarded than they usually were with their friends at home, so she was happy to let him linger a little longer than he should. Cassandra places her hands on his chest feeling the soft cotton of his shirt under her fingers.

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