23 - A Bed Of Lies

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The Seeker lets a quiet sigh escape her lips when she lowers herself deeper into the warm bath letting her body sink until her chin is just touching the surface and she is completely engulfed by the soothing water. She watches the steam rise into the cooler air when the strong scent of herbs, oils, and salts reach her nose drawing her closer to the relaxation she so desperately needs. Her lover had been right that a hot bath was exactly what she needed, she could feel the muscles loosening and her aches subsiding within moments of being in there and she was sure after a good soak she would feel refreshed and ready to face the world again. Cassandra places her hands on the edge of the tub squeezing the wood beneath her palms as she lets the water take hold of her when she sinks further back into it, the back of her head coming into contact with the surface until she is submerged to her cheekbones. Lady Pentaghast sighs again, a much louder and more contented sound as closes her eyes letting the feeling of calm wash over her for a moment.

Cassandra smiles when she hears the faint sound of Lord Trevelyan laughing when he hears the satisfied sigh coming from his Seeker, knowing that he was right about what would make her feel better. She lets herself float for a moment more before pulling herself up making the water splash against the sides. She sits up further so she can watch him as he moves past her and the edge of the tub after having helped undress her and help her into the water making sure she didn't topple on her uneasy feet. She could see that he was agitated by the way he begins darting around the room trying to tidy up after them, she closes her eyes for a moment trying to focus her mind away from Lord Trevelyan's noise and to her breathing and the strong aroma around her. She knew he was worrying as he always did.

"Why don't you join me?" Cassandra asks when she finally gives up on trying to draw her mind away from him and opens her eyes trying to pinpoint his location in the room. She sees him tidying the now empty tray of food away, removing it from the end of their bed and placing it carefully on the table. She lets her eyes travel over his back, watching him with interest when he draws his injured hand close to his body as if he's still suffering from the pain and keeps forgetting he shouldn't be using it.

"You need to relax, I'm sure me being in there wouldn't very relaxing." The Inquisitor replies when he shuffles around the tub picking up her clothes that have been discarded on the floor, folding them and placing them on top of their trunk.

She frowns slightly as his actions knowing he is usually the most unorganised person she knows and it takes a lot for him to voluntarily want to be sorting things and tidying. He moves to open the dresser before glancing over his shoulder to look at her, she can see that he is checking on her wellbeing when he hears that other than the slight sound of moving bath water she is quiet and doesn't reply.

"I would be more relaxed if you stopped fussing." Lady Pentaghast mumbles letting her hands splash gently into the water, she settles her eyes onto Lord Trevelyan's face watching him nod as she slides her wet hands up her arms warming them with the water. "I want you in here with me." Cassandra huffs quietly.

"Are you okay?" The Inquisitor asks her, a slight hint of concern behind his eyes she notices. He smiles lightly when Cassandra nods, sinking deeper into the water so it covers her mouth and chin. "It's okay to not be okay, you know." Lord Trevelyan adds giving her the favourite smile of his that always makes her stomach feel like its doing summersaults. "I know you are a Seeker and I know you have to be strong.." He sighs turning back to the dresser and pulling two towels from inside before closing the door with his hand.

"I'm okay." Cassandra smiles at his words. She knew he would always be concerned about her, probably even more so after everything that had happened, but he was right that she was a Seeker and he was going to have to accept the fact that both of them had to put themselves at risk every day. "I should be asking how you are.." Lady Pentaghast adds as she lifts her hands out of the water to run through her hair.

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