16 - Henry's Son

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Lady Pentaghast lifts her head when she hears the quiet click of the door that leads from the families' glass summer room, out into the large expanse of the beautiful garden. She sees that the Inquisitor has returned from his very important task of tucking the youngest Trevelyan Lord's, his Nephews, into their beds and that he is going to be joining her again on the blanket that they have laid out on the grass. Cassandra watches him close the glass panel behind him quietly after they'd decided it was much too nice of an evening to be sat inside and that they would take advantage of the peace of the Trevelyan estate. Skyhold was always so busy and someone or something always demanded their attention, It was difficult to take a moment and catch their breath sometimes so they were going to take advantage of Ostwick and its tranquillity.

It had only been a matter of minutes of getting cosied up next to her lover that Lady Annabelle had come rushing out to him announcing that she couldn't get the boys to settle without him tucking them in. He had reluctantly removed his arms from around her but dutifully followed Annabelle inside to see to Jack and Elliot. Cassandra couldn't help but wonder if it was all a ruse to try and come between them, she hadn't even apologised for interrupting their quiet time together but was very insistent that she needed his help. The Seeker rests her head onto the arm that she tucks behind her head again, looking up at the dark sky above her, watching the stars shine brightly against the black listening to the sound of his boots pressing into the ground as he walks. She couldn't see him but even if she hadn't heard the door and the sound of the steps, she felt him close by.

"I didn't mean for that to take so long." Lord Trevelyan chuckles making Cassandra smile, she was sure it had taken him so long because he had made it that way. The pair had spent the day with the children and his Mother and Father after Lady Annabelle had excused herself again, saying she felt unwell and unable to help with the final preparations for her husbands funeral the next day.

"They have a difficult time letting go of you, just like I do." Lady Pentaghast laughs turning her head to look at him when she watches him unbuckle his boots, removing them and placing them on the ground at the edge of the blanket. "Especially after what has happened to their Father." Cassandra adds wishing she hadn't said it as soon as it leaves her lips, she, of course, had been thinking about the Commander's words all day and she had to admit that she had seen it too. Jack did look like the Inquisitor, and it bothered her.

"Elliot is young but Jack.." The Inquisitor sighs. "I worry about him." He adds as he kneels on the woven blanket next to her, she laughs quietly when she watches him throw himself onto his front before leaning up on his forearms.

"He has a family that loves him." The Seeker begins as she rolls over onto her side, she places her elbow on the blanket to rest her cheek against the palm of her hand so she can look at him. "He'll get through this and the sadness and pain will soon be replaced by only happy memories of his childhood and his parents." Cassandra nods slightly remembering how she felt to be without her Mother and Father. Her memories of them weren't as clear as she had hoped but the ones she had were of good times, she had lost them both but Jack and Elliot still had family and each other.

"No child should have to go through something like this. It must be hard enough as an adult to lose a parent but he's just a little boy. What will he do without Henry?" Lord Trevelyan sighs.

"He has you." Lady Pentaghast whispers watching her lover nod sadly, she watches as he plucks a blade of grass from the ground playing with it between his fingers as she diverts his eyes from hers, she could see the battle taking place on his face because of his Nephews, no doubt blaming himself for Henry's death and leaving the boys without a Father.

"I was never good enough for him." The Inquisitor replies casting aside the grass that he has torn in half, he sighs again when Cassandra reaches her hand out to him stroking the soft skin behind his ear.

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