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     I started my day by waking up to my mom screaming "Y/N WAKE UP OR YOULL BE LATE". I never really woke up early but it was whatever. I ran to the bathroom and did my makeup and got dressed quickly. Once I had gotten downstairs my mom told me to just leave because she couldn't look at me. I never had a good relationship with her because she had me so young, I didn't care though. I quickly drove to school so I wouldn't be late and get detention again. I reached my class and sat down to Gustav like usual, he was quiet but that's how he always is so I just put my head down to get some sleep. I was woken up by Mrs.Rathead yelling at me so I payed attention after that.

"Y/n do you wanna come to me and the bands rehearsal later? Georg has been asking when you'll come again." Gustav asked while poking my face to annoy me. "Sure, I've been wanting to go for a while." I responded as i smacked his hand. I've had a crush on Georg for a while he is just soooo perfect looking so the fact he was asking about me make my stomach do jumping jacks.

After the class with Gustav I had class with Georg, we sat next to each other but we barely ever talked so today I was gonna get some courage and talk to him. I couldn't take my mind off the fact that he asked about me. I kept smiling while walking to class.

     "Hey y/n, why are you so happy?" Eleanor asked me in her playful tone while I was on the way to Math Class. "Georg asked Gustav why I haven't been to their practice in a while and I'm so happy he thought about me!!!" I said in the happiest way. "Wow I bet your happy for math then" she giggled. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes and shoved her a little. I arrived at my class door and said goodbye to Eleanor. I sat down next to Georg, he was the only person I knew in the class so he offered to sit next to me the first day of school. "Hey Georg!" I said and smiled. We made eye contact and my stomach fluttered. "Hey y/n." He said giving me a smile back. I looked away from him because I got to nervous to say anything else. I hate being shy it keeps me from rizzing up the boys 💔. 

After class I packed up quickly I wanted to get away from Georg, I felt a little embarrassed for what happened earlier I don't know why though. "Wait y/n!" Georg shouted at me as I was leaving.  I was kinda shocked he shouted for me so I froze for a second before asking "Yea Georg?". "Are you gonna come to our practice today? I know you enjoy it I see your eyes light up when we play." He said with a giggle. I could tell I blushed a little he was just so cute I couldn't help it! "Oh yea Gustav asked me to earlier." I responded. "Good I'll see you later then!" He said patting my back and walking with me to the door before we parted ways. Oh my goodness he looks at my eyes!! It's such a kid thing to gush over but I couldn't help it! I ended up smiling for the rest of the school day!!


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