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In Caelestes, the main residents (Demons) are assigned either Dominant/submissive Alpha or Dominant/submissive Omega when they reach the age of physical maturity, which is the age of eighteen, at least for some residents. The age of physical maturity can differ between different species of Demon, depending on a number of different circumstances. For instance, low-level Shadow Demons, which are generally very 'weak' in comparison to a lot of other demons, have a haunting stage in their development where they do not even have a physical form at all. They do not begin aging until their haunting stage is over, and thusly, some of them can be around the age of a hundred and fourteen before they even have a physical form that can age.
Furthermore, there are Demons who are born as versions of themselves that age 'slower' in comparison to others, so one calendar year in Caelestes might not be long enough for them to age a full year. Think of this somewhat like 'dog years' where a year in human timing is drastically different from a year in dog years, just the exact opposite, where time moves slower for their development rather than faster. For instance, the Zësìer, which is a species of Demon that is covered in sparkly scales which originated in the North Atlantic Ocean on Engwayldhel, are born as small children covered in brightly colored scales. Their development is slow, and they often have to live in rooms flooded with water until they reach an age in development when the human parts of their body begin to form. While they are in their Demon forms, they are still able to talk, express emotion, and learn, this doesn't hinder their development mentally, however, their physical development is halted by the time it takes for the human parts of their body to form.
So, now you may be asking yourself; how many kinds of Demons are there? Well, in short, a lot, especially if you count crossbred species because while each Demon is drastically different from the next, their physiological processes function much the same after they reach the age of physical maturity. But, if you'd like a detailed list, here you go:

1) Succubus / Incubus - The equivalent to a sex Demon, which feeds primarily off of the Sexual Energy of their partners. The main distinction between the two is not gender, but rather, the way they go about consuming Sexual Energy. Succubuses pull it from the air, and around them, while Incubuses must consume the energy that is released from their partner as they orgasm and only when they orgasm. They develop normally and reach maturity in the normal 18 calendar years, but often have much higher sex drives than other Demons. The majority of Demons who go into early heat or rut cycles are within this category of Demon, though there are some other notable cases. There is no specific place of origin to note.
2) Siren - A Siren is a demon that when in its Demon Form are beautiful, alluring creatures that often have white or blue skin, some with scales and others without depending on which part of the Pacific Ocean they originate from, often with fish-like fins to match their skin on either side of their head. Depending on the level of the Siren, they may or may not have a human form, but the ones who do, are often equally as beautiful. Sirens feed off of emotional turmoil, using their beautiful appearance and alluring, haunting, entrancing voice to hold their victims hostage. However, over the years they have evolved to be able to sustain on their own emotional turmoil rather than other people's turmoil. Another kind of Demon has a slightly altered aging process only it's much faster, to where their human parts will form much quicker than the Zësìer's will. Two-thirds of a year is a year's worth of development for their human form, so by the time they reach the age of 6, they will be a normal 6-year-old Demon, that might have fins on the sides of their face, and is covered in scales, but can be considered 'half-human' at this point and thusly, their age begins to count at the age of 6, so their age at physical maturity is 18+6.
3) Shadow - Shadow Demons are exactly what they sound like, their demon forms are shadowy with glowing red eyes and black scleras. Their powers revolve around the shadows, manipulating them, moving within them, etcetera. They, unlike some of the other Demons on this list, do not have to 'feed' on anything to sustain their magical abilities. They have an inner power source, though food is necessary to survive as well, for the human parts of them, that can be said for any kind of Demon on this list. Some Shadows have a haunting phase, which has previously been discussed, and as it varies significantly depending on the level of the Shadow in question, there is no exact age that they reach physical maturity. The higher the level of the Shadow's parents, the less time the haunting phase will last. Once the Haunting phase is over, they are able to turn into a human at will, and when they are in their human form, their extremities (Arms/Legs/Genitals) will have an Abyss-black fade that reaches halfway up and fades to their normal skin tone toward the center of their limbs.
4) Siphon - Siphons are Demons who have to take power from other beings to have power. They can choose to take a little, or a lot, depending on what they are doing, and often are born looking just like a human would look. Normal skin, eyes, hair, their looks tend to be rather plain and unassuming, but depending on the Siphon's personal abilities, you might be in for a very bad day if you encounter one and underestimate them. They also have no known origin, and their aging is normal so they reach physical maturity after 18 years of living.
5) Zësìer - The Zësìer, known in Engwayldhel as mermaids and originating from the North Atlantic Ocean, are Demonic creatures with varying water abilities. When they are born, they are in their Sësseâpìr stage, which is before their human parts have begun to form. At this point in development, they are a normal baby, however, they need very different things to survive. Unlike the picture you might have in your head of them, they are not 'half-human, half-fish' and rather, are similar to neither. Much more similar to the Water Moccasin, they are born with tails like a snake instead of legs, scales covering even their upper body and face. They are born with arms, have webbed fingers, and most are born bald and remain that way until they shed the scale-covered skin covering their face and heads, which usually happens around the age of 4-5 in their Sësseâpìr stage. At the end of the Sësseâpìr stage, they will have legs, which form in their tail. During the final two years of the Sësseâpìr stage, the tail and the arms/hands will completely be shed and leave behind their legs and unwebbed fingers which generally happens at the age of 11. By the age of eleven years of development, they are considered to be 'half-human' and then they begin the Sìsniân stage, which is when they begin to slowly become more and more 'human' in appearance, shedding their skin and having new patches of scales forming where they will remain for the rest of their lives. These patches of scales will continue to shed every few years, leaving their scales bright, colorful, and sparkly. So, in short; their physical age of maturity is 18+11.
6) Ayra -  Ayras are complex to really compare to anything because they are Anitmatter Beings, a type of demon that comes when two particular types of Demon mate, Chemnogian and Ririnsiõlichê, and when the two combine together... you get an Ayra. It's not exactly well known as to why this is the case, it's pretty hard to track down where the genetics alters to make an Ayra from the combination, but like both of their parent counterparts, they have a fade on their arms that cuts off at the center of it. The vast majority of it will be gray, and then just at the very top, it'll be a different color, often matching the color of the person's hair as much as possible. They have no alterations to their aging process, meaning that they reach the age of physical maturity at 18.
7) Helxsie - The Demon equivalent to a divine being, they are very rare and hard to come by. They are particularly good at healing magic and often find themselves being less 'evil' than any other Demon can claim. Often, they aren't even 'evil' in nature, though they are a Demonic entity. Helxsies are the equivalent to the 'grim reaper' to humans—only they don't have to kill everyone, they have the ability to restore life to those they feel deserve it. They have an intense call to nurture and care for, though they have the ability to kill rather swiftly, especially the higher-level ones. There is a 0.0657% chance of any baby conceived by any Demon pairing being a Helxsie, and there is no way to 'selectively breed' for one, you'd have an easier time finding something you lost at the bottom of the Ocean. Fun Factoid: the very first Helxsie to ever be born was born in what humans now refer to as Canada, to a very confused couple of Zësìer parents.
8Chemnogian - A Chemnogian is a kind of demon that comes with breeding a Shadow and a Siphon, and they are considerately more powerful than their parents immediately upon birth. They are born with markings similar to those of a Shadow, though their marks are much more scattered and reach higher up on their arms. Chemnogians can have powers that range mostly on the Shadow side, mostly on the Siphon side, or somewhere in the middle, leading to some pretty interesting and unpredictable abilities. Think shadow cloud that siphons your energy unpredictable. They also have a phase similar to the haunting phase that a Shadow has, though it is called the Cinian phase because while they are half-haunting, they still have mostly human forms, which leads to some interesting development speeds. Depending on many different circumstances, the Cinian phase can last anywhere from 10-45 years, however, that is still significantly less than the haunting phase lasts.
9Sïçhi - The Sïçhi is a Demon who is born with gems embedded into their skin. These gems range greatly in color, though the Sïçhi Demon's eyes often match the color of their gems. There are thousands of gems in their skin, some very very tiny, and others that are much larger, covering the vast majority of their bodies. Their powers range wildly, and are almost impossible to calculate or put into any kind of 'bracket' so there isn't much to talk about in the way of powers. They age as normal, and other than the gems embedded into their skin, they look completely human. Though the idea of gems being embedded in the skin might seem a bit uncomfortable, especially for their lovers, this is not the case. The gems are incredibly smooth and soft, just a little cool, and almost feel smoother to touch than actual skin. There are no sharp edges to them unless one gets broken, but over time, they will heal.
10Dhallix - The Dhallix is a Draconic-like Demon that often is covered in reptilian-like scales that are often colored very brightly and beautifully. Often confused for Dragons, the Dhallix is somewhat like 'gods' on the power scale, which comes from the fact that they are either Half-Dragon or were the product of two fallen Celestial beings. The reptilian-like scales that cover their bodies shed once a year, and unlike the Zësìer, who are mostly unbothered by shedding, it can be quite a painful experience. Dhallixs differ from other kinds of demons in that, they can only be born as Alphas, and the vast majority of them, are males. Unlike the Zësìer, they do not only have a physical development delay but also a physiological one, where until the age of 30, they have to sleep the vast majority of their lives to make up for the slow-function of their body's physiological processes. During this time, growth and development are slowed dramatically because their body's vital processes and brain function are limited, and thusly, their age at physical maturity will be 30+18.
11) Ririnsiõlichê - The Ririnsiõlichê is a type of demon that often has fading on their arms that is not the same as a Shadows. Instead of fading to their normal color, it'll abruptly cut off in the center of the bicep. Their powers vary widely from one to the next, and their aging process isn't altered any. 
There are many more, but I believe I've covered all the main ones, and I assume you get the point by now; there are a lot.

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