Meeting The Godfather

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This chapter and many others coming forward will feature male x male ships and even a few female x female ships. Pretty much only the main ship is female x male. If you don't like same sex relationships, then please don't continue reading. Also, there will be a lot of dark and rude humor from this point on. The POV's will change a lot from here and due to many of the problems from shippuden already being taken care of, I will add more problems and exciting fights that aren't canon so it isn't too boring.

(Shikamarou's POV)

I can't help but think about what's behind her mask. 'Is she really....' I think as I put my hand to my eyes and wipe away some tears.

"I miss you.... Naru." I whisper to myself. I shake my head to get rid of these sad thoughts and go to bed.

(Time Skip.... next morning)

"Shika!!" I hear someone screech. I sit up and look around and see that no one is inside. Then I hear some more screeching.

"Shika!! Wake up!!" I hear throughout the house. 'She was so loud I thought she was inside my bedroom.' I say with a sigh as I stand up and head toward the front door. I open the door and see the pink haired banshee.

"What do you want?" I say in a pissed off voice.

"Hokage-sama has called for us." She says WITHOUT yelling. 'Finally.' I think as I sigh.

"What a drag. Let me get changed, and I'll be right out." I close the door before I head back to my room and throw on my usual outfit. I sigh as I walk to my kitchen and see my mom at the stove.

"Who was at the door?" She asks with a sweet motherly tone without turning around to look at me.

"The pink banshee." I say with irritation.

"That Sakura sure is a handful." She says with a sigh.

"I know. Where is dad?" I say as I open the fridge door.

"He's out on a mission."

"What mission?" I grab an apple and pop it in my mouth.

"He's going to Uzushiogakure to help sort out some stuff in the treaty."

"Oh." I say as I throw the apple core in the trash.

"Here's some breakfast. You're going to need it for your mission today."

"So you overheard Sakura's screeching?" I asks with a smile.

"It's pretty hard not to." She says with a smile and hands a plate to me. I eat it quickly and head back to the front door. I slip on my shoes and stand up.

"Bye, mom!!" I yell lazily.

"Good luck!!" She yells back. I open the door and walk out. I don't see Sakura, so I just started heading to the Hokage office on my own.

I arrive soon and walk to the Hokage's office. I knock softly, and a voice tells me to come in. I open the door and see the rookie 9, plus team Gui. I see my team and go to stand with them.

"Now that everyone is here, I can give you the details of the mission."

"But Hokage-sama, we all were planning on training for the last part of the chunin exams." Ino says calmly.

"Well, Uzushiogakure has presented us with a great opportunity to bring our village's closer together. The four teams before me will go to Uzushiogakure for the one month training period to train with their best shinobi." The proudness evident in his voice. 'So, in other words, he is trusting us to make our village look good. What a drag.' I think before I sigh.

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