Chapter 1

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Oh dear.

The teal-haired boys name rang throughout the kingdom, causing the prince to nearly jump. He sighed, standing up from his vanity.

It's nearly 10P.M. Who could need him at this hour? I deserve my beauty sleep, y'know!

One name in particular rang in his head.

King Smajor.

Oh dear x2.

Scott sighed, making sure he looked perfect. He adjusted his crown which was covered in pearls, shells, coral, etc, adjusting his posture and being quick to head down.

- "Yes?" The Prince spoke,

- "Your mother and I have made a decision." The king spoke, staring down at his son. "We're giving you an arranged marriage."

- "I- I'm sorry?" Scott spoke, brows narrowing.

- "You heard me, boy."

- "Dad, no- I- I can't get married. I don't-"

- "You. Heard me, didn't you?"

- "Yes! But-"

- "No."

- "I want to chose who I marry!" Scott exclaimed.

- "Absolutely not. We've already decided." He smiled, "off to bed. You'll be meeting her tomorrow morning."

- "Can I at least know who-"

- "No, off to bed."

Scott scoffed, angrily stomping off back up to his room. Upon arriving, he inhaled, going and opening his vanity drawer. He fished out a piece of blank paper, along with a quill and small think of ink. He exhaled, beginning to write.

Dear, whatever your name is.

I've made a decision of my own. One I can handle on my own. I didn't want to do this, I'd prefer not to. Yet here I am, I refuse to come back home until you cancel everything about some "arranged marriage" which I had zero say in. If you let me get married on my own time, I'll return.

Yours truly, Scott.

Scott smiled at the note, folding it and leaving it on his vanity. He carefully took off his crown and rested it on the note.

He went and scavenged through his closet, finding and putting on a much more appropriate outfit for his.. Occasion.

Scott exhaled, packing a bag full of whatever he'd need and put the hood on from the outfit he'd decided would be appropriate. He went and opened his balcony doors, looking around for some sort of exit.

The vines.

Scott had climbed down them once in a while, now is his chance again. He went and tugged at one of the vines.

Sturdy enough.

Scott smiled, keeping a grasp onto them until getting all the way down.

Oh dear x3.

Prince. (Coroyalty/MajorWood)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin