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SUMMARY: Stanley asks Narrator to leave him while he cries.

TW/CW: mentions of suicide, SH, scars

'Narry?' Stanley thought to me.

"What is it Stanley?" I asked, wanting to be able to continue the story.

'Can I have some alone time? Just a few minutes please?'

"I- SIGH fine. Ten minutes only," I told him, turning off my mic.

I decided I would write out some more scripts and more endings, Stanley would only spend so long on one ending after all!

About ten minutes had passed and I decided to check up on Stanley. I looked in his office and didn't see him there.

This might be a perfect time to do some more testing with my body in the parable! I had already gone down here a few times in it, but it still needs some work.

So I loaded up my form, and went in. The parable was oddly quite. Odd because the only guy in here is mute, so the quiet should be normal?

"Stanley!? Stanley where are you?!" I yelled, trying to find him.

I passed by the broom closet and decided to check, it couldn't hurt!

I opened the door to the broom closet and saw Stanley, sitting on the floor with his legs brought up to his chest, crying.

"Stanley?! Oh dear, what happened?!" I asked, rushing to his side and pulling him into my embrace.

He simply sat there in my lap, crying into my chest.

"There there, it'll be alright! What happened?" I asked again, in a softer tone.

'I'm sorry Narry, I'm a fuck up and I can't do anything right! I'm sorry you have to deal with my bullshit!' He told me, hugging onto my shirt harder.

"Stanley! You are perfect the way you are and I wouldn't have wanted anything more! You are perfect!" I said, cupping his face with my hands.

'You're just saying that. I couldn't even commit to my own death, I'm useless,' he said, melting into my touch.

"Stanley! You are loved, and you are not useless!" I said, pulling him closer.

'I- I dont-' he said, cutting himself off.

He cried a little while longer, the whole time I was rubbing circles in his back to comfort him.

Eventually though, he passed out, still holding onto me.

I got up and decided to take him to the fake apartment, he could sleep there. I carried him the bedroom when we got there and tried to lay him down, but he wouldn't let go of me so I eventually laid down with him.

He slightly shifted and laid at my side, bringing his hand up to my chest.

Instinctively, I grabbed his wrist to try and comfort him a bit, but I felt bumps and lines where it shouldn't.

I lifted his hand and pulled down his sleeve, revealing many light toned scars that were most likely self inflicted. Oh Stanley, why would you do this?

Feeling sorrow for the man, I pulled him closer to me and cuddled him as I slowly fell asleep too.

'Thank you, Narry,' was all I heard before I drifted to sleep.

"You're welcome, love."

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