I'm sure he missed me...

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SUMMARY: Stanley goes to the button ended but his body doesn't skip with him, causing him excruciating pain ON TOP of the Zending. 😙

TW/CW: Mentions of suicide, death, self harming, and trauma. Fun!

"When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he opened the door on his.... Right."

What? Did The Narrator just make a mistake while reading his scrips? This is the very first time Stanley had ever heard him make a mistake before!

"No Stanley, I did not make a mistake. That was intentional," The Narrator sounded tired, exhausted even.

[But how is HE tired? I've been doing the freedom ending for the past few runs to make him happy, was he not happy with me? Did he get tired of it? Or am I just boring to watch? It's probably the latter of those options, knowing The Narrator and myself.]

"Now what's that face for? Why are you scowling at the floor? Just walk through the damn door, Stanley."

[Ok, so I'm boring and he's mad at me. Perfect.]

I walked through the door on my right and went to the employee lounge, looking at it briefly and walking past it without the scowl but now just feeling sad.

"Stanley walked past the open door on his left and went to the cargo lift."

I did as told, wondering what ending he was wanting me to do. I sat on the cargo lift and let it slowly move.

"Then Stanley jumped off to the catwalks below him, following them to an open door."

[What? But there are only two endings over this way? Neither of them are good either? I must have done something wrong in the last few runs, it must be my fault somehow! It's the only reasonable explanation, besides it wouldn't be the first time he got mad at me like this.]

"When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he walked into the red door."

[but that's... That's...]

I walked through the red door, looking a bit distressed and upset by what The Narrator wanted me to do.

"Ok Stanley, stop. What is wrong with you here lately? You just listen to all my orders and don't think twice anymore! It's like controlling a damned doll! Don't you still care for yourself and your well-being?" The Narrator asked, sounding frustrated because of me.

'Sorry.' I signed to the nearby camera, not looking at it.

"No! Don't be-! You know what? Fine. Just do the damn ending," There was shuffling and a click, meaning he turned his mic off and left.

[why is he always so upset with me? I've never done anything to him? Besides going to a few wrong endings but now he didn't like me listening to him? Why is he so complicated?]

I walked up the stairs, not even bothering to stop in the zen room. I've only done this ending once, and it was just out of curiosity. Did he want to cause me pain? Is that why he did all this? Maybe it's just my fault and I should do better next time, I thought as I fell off the stairs for the final time.


I looked at my computer with tears in my eyes, quickly wiping them away before Narrator saw them. Every ending I do stays with me, so now I feel a pain in my spine that will definitely leave a scar and will hurt for a while.

I just sat at my desk for a while, waiting for Narrator to come back. I was lonely and clingy, I'll admit. I hated when people left me alone or if they were ignoring me, but it's happened to me again and again so I was used to it by now.

I searched through my drawers in my desk to find something sharp. I eventually found a pencil sharpener, taking it apart and taking the razor off. I rolled up my sleeves and looked at the thousands of scars on my arms, some old and some fairly new. I do this every time I'm left alone so I can drown out my sadness.

I cut my skin subconsciously, not even thinking about the pain anymore. I found a towel once I was done and held it to my bleeding skin so I wouldn't get it all over the floor. I stayed that way for a while, leaned against the wall, on the floor, crying as my skin bleeds.

I ended up wrapping the wound with gauze I found so I wouldn't bleed on my shirt and pulled down my sleeve. I walked to the bucket and grabbed it, sitting down in front of the pedestal and leaning my back against it.

I had mostly stopped crying by now, but I heard shuffling and another click, meaning Narrator is back. I quickly wiped away any and every tear, hopping my red eyes wouldn't give it away that I was crying.

"Stanley? Are you ok? I'm sorry for making you do that ending," I heard The Narrator say, actually sounding sincere.

'It's ok, I forgive you.' I said, looking up at the cameras with a faint smile.

"How about this, Stanley? To make it up to you, I have put together a new area to explore!"

Oh? A new area? I'm always happy when those come along, so I quickly stood and followed wherever Narrator wanted me to.

We ended up in an area called the Memory Zone, I enjoyed walking and reminiscing. I frowned a bit when I read the negative reviews about the game, but I could see where they were coming from. But most importantly, I felt such dread when I came to the yellow button with a skip symbol on it.

"Well go on Stanley! Push the button!" Narrator urged, sounding exciting and energetic.

'Narrator i don't kno-'

"Oh come on! Don't be a drag! Push the button Stanley!"

Finally giving in, I pushed the button and regained my senses again a few minutes later.

"Oh you're back! See? You were only frozen in time for a few moments!" Narrator said, sounding as cheerful as ever.

Narrator continued to speak for another 2 minutes before I pushed the button again out of boredom. This cycle went on for a while till eventually the door disappeared and I noticed my bones were becoming achy and stiff on top of the pain from the Zending. I couldn't do anything but keep pushing the button till something happened.

Each time I pushed the button, my bones hurt more. I felt stiff from being stuck in time for so long and it hurt every time I moved my arm to push the button again. Years went by without me seeing it and I missed The Narrator so, so much.

Eventually, I saw an exit. The wall had deteriorated after so many years and now I could leave. But where would I go?

My muscles hurt so much when I moved and I just fell down at first, but for The Narrator's sake I got up. Maybe he won't be as angry after this?

I'm sure he missed me. I'm sure...

(Yummy angst 😋 PLEASE ask for a part two 😭👏)

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