Time To Tell

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I opened my phone in the doctor's waiting room.

Hesitant, but I knew I had to, the place was full and I was told it would be another half an hour yet, I really didn't want my mind pondering like it had throughout the past week, so I just typed in the goddamn number and let it ring.

After the fourth ring,


His soft voice crackled through the phone.

"Hey." was all I replied with.



"Why are you calling me?"

I couldn't believe it, he wasn't hanging up. I mean, this wasn't exactly a great start, but it was better than what I had expected, we hadn't been together for about a week now, hadn't talked in a week, I'd been alone for a week. He obviously wasn't thinking about coming back this time.

"I have to tell you something."


He sounded frustrated.

"I... Uh..."

"Quick... Just tell me."

"What's the rush, are you in the middle of a screwing session or something with one of your beloved hoes?!"

An elder couple with their pregnant daughter with two playing children all looked up at me.

I shook it off, trying to concentrate on the conversation.

He just huffed angrily.

"Just-- tell me whatever it was you wanted to tell me."

"I um...I t-took a pregnancy test... a-and it came back positive."

There was a really, really, agonising silence.

"What? Are you saying that y-you're pregnant?!" His voice got louder.

"Yes." I said quietly.

"With my kid?"

"Yes.." I fiddled with my fingers, holding the phone with my shoulder as I leant on the arm rest with my elbow.

"I thought you were on the pill?"

"Jayden, don't you dare blame me for this, I swear, you know I stopped taking that months ago, I told you." I lifted my head up.

"No you didn't?" He was cranky, really cranky.

Oh shit.

"I'm pretty sure I know what I did. You know I said it, because we had a whole conversation about it, or have you conveniently forgotten about that too?"

"Don't blame me, it's not my fault!"

"Actually, it is, but okay." I rolled my eyes.

"Where are you?"

"Obstetrician. My appointment is in half an hour."

"You're there without me?"

"Jayden, I only found out a week ago!"

"Yet you tell me now?!"

"You were obviously still going to be mad! Don't blame me please! I'm the one that's going to have to deal with this, as if you're going to help me, come on, we both know that."

"I am. I'm just processing right now. I'll be there in 15 minutes though okay?"

"Wait- you're really coming?"

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