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"He said he saw his whole future the first time he looked into your eyes." -Liars Like Us


I had come to the conclusion that everything about Raiden was just big. This man was nearly seven feet tall with muscles the size of mountains. Now don't get me wrong, I've seen many tall men and many muscular men in my lifetime. I was a werewolf after all. A general rule of thumb was that the taller a man was, the less muscle he had. How in the world did Raiden even maintain that body? Our werewolves' genes only got us so far.

Then there was his wolf. His beautiful big wolf was staring at Rani with heart eyes before he dashed into the forest. His wolf was humongous. I didn't even know our kind came in that size but I guess we do.

Rani ran around a little, probably following Raiden's scent before she got tired. I was proud that I was able to shift again but I knew it would take me a while to gain back the skills my werewolves had gained over the years. I shifted back and made my way over to a patch of grass.

I loved sunbathing. It was impossible to do in the palace since there was a constant stream of staff always entering and exiting the outdoor areas but this was the perfect spot. My clothes were long gone since I had not taken them off when I shifted so all I had to do was lay down and enjoy the heat. I'd probably have to call Sage to bring me some clothes when it was time to go back but that was a problem for later.

As the sun drenched my skin, I found my eyes closing before I fell into a deep slumber.

As the sun drenched my skin, I found my eyes closing before I fell into a deep slumber

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"Um, uh, Miss? Miss? Miss you must wake up," a voice sputtered out.

My eyes blinked open, still heavy with sleep.

"Oh shit," I whispered. The sun was long gone and the once warm grass was beginning to get cold.

"Miss Oberoi? I have requested clothes to be brought here immediately. I apologize, um, I didn't realize that you were...unclothed," Jonah said nervously. I turned to look at him and I swear to the goddess that boy was shaking like a leaf.

His eyes were clenched close and he wasn't even facing in my direction but he still looked like he was two seconds from peeing himself.

"Jonah? Are you okay?"

"I-uh, I think I might die miss."

"What? Oh my goodness, why? What's wrong?"

"Erm, the king miss. He will kill me once he finds out I found you like this."

I nearly laughed out loud but tamped it down before it could escape.

"Jonah, I assure you Raiden will understand and not be angry at all!"

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