Chapter 2 ; Routine

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7 Years Later.

Reece Mansion, 06:20 am.

The sound of the black shoes echoed in the hallway of the magnificent mansion, the sweet-faced man walked steadily towards the room to wake up a man with the title Reece in his name

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The sound of the black shoes echoed in the hallway of the magnificent mansion, the sweet-faced man walked steadily towards the room to wake up a man with the title Reece in his name.

After knocking on the door a few times, he entered the room and was presented with a person who was still snuggled comfortably under the covers.

"Good Morning Sir Zeevan, it's time to wake up" said the sweet man, the one who was called only gave a low growl indicating that he still wanted to stay asleep.

"Sir Zeevan, if you don't get up your schedule will be a mess."

Finally, the master woke up with his hair in disarray and shirtless, a sight he had seen for 7 years.

"What's the first schedule?"

"Visiting Mr. Kim's charity exhibition"

"Even the day off to meet the old man, can't it be canceled?" "No, it was arranged by the great master." The young master, Zeevan. Snorted in annoyance as he ruffled his hair and stood up from the bed.

"Prepare my dress, Nuquela."

"Any color you like to wear today?"

"Surprise me"


Zeevan was now dressed neatly in front of the mirror in a black suit with blue trim that fit his athletic body perfectly.

"Not bad, tie?" Zeevan said as he looked after Nuquela's choice.

Nuquela also approached her master and began to put on his tie, it was Nuquela's habit to choose a suit and tie to shoes sometimes choosing food, rings, and even the vehicle used and Zeevan always agreed with what Nuquela picked.

"Nuquela, open your blouse," Zeevan said suddenly, Nuquela who had just finished tying Zeevan's tie raised one eyebrow in confusion.

" Sir-" "open your top."

Without asking again Nuquela began to untie his ribbon tie and unbutton the top button of his blouse, revealing his white neck and collarbone, visible under his collarbone was a faded ink and Zeevan showed a displeased expression.

He really disliked what he saw.

"Wasn't yesterday supposed to be your tattoo renewal day, why is this fading?"

And Nuquela then realized the important thing that had been missed, remembering that she was supposed to renew her tattoo temporarry  that must always be near her collarbone yesterday.

" I'm sorry sir, I completely forgot."

"Should this R'Z be permanent, Nuquela?" said Zeevan gripping the smaller man's small waist with a tone of voice filled with dislike.

"I apologize sir, after this I will renew it," Zeevan continued to stare at Nuquela's neck which was undeniably beautiful and seductive.

"Immediately. " Zeevan said absolutely and began to leave the room firmly.

"Yes, sir" Nuquela replied as he put his blouse and tie back on and followed Zeevan.

When he first started working, Zeevan asked his mother to get Nuquela a tattoo. But Nuquela asked not to be permanent on the reasoning that if she might not be employed anymore then it would be a waste to have his skin tinted with the tattoo ink.

Because Nuquela's words also made Zeevan angry, because Zeevan made sure Nuquela would be with him forever.

But after a long discussion and an agreement nuquela will always renew the tattoo every week, Zeevan finally agreed.


The sound of cameras snapping and lights flashing filled the exhibition venue, with a middle-aged man ready to give the closing speech

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The sound of cameras snapping and lights flashing filled the exhibition venue, with a middle-aged man ready to give the closing speech.

"Thank you all for coming, especially young Master Reece..." said the middle-aged man flattering him and was answered only with a small smile by the master who actually implied disinterest since coming.

"Nuquela, let's go home," Zeevan said in a low voice that only Nuquela could hear.

"But sir, it's not closing yet." " Do I care?"

Nuquela sighed and prepared to give Mr. Kim a fake excuse to get Zeevan out of here, then slowly walked up to the middle-aged man.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim, Mr. Zeevan has to excuse himself due to his busy schedule."

"Ah, of course young Mr. Reece must be very busy. Thank you Mr. Zeevan for coming."

"You're welcome sir" Zeevan said with a rather forced smile, he was really fed up and wanted to leave immediately.

Soon they were walking out of the event to a luxury car parked right in front of the Exhibition building.

Just before entering the car, Zeevan pulled Nuquela who was about to get into the seat next to the driver to sit in the back with him.

Zeevan lay down and rested his head comfortably with Nuquela's thigh as his pillow.

"What's next?"

"Nothing, at 3 pm your friend will come over"

"and For lunch menu?"

"home, any menu you prefer today?"

"I always told you wine, surprise me "

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