1 - Quiet

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Lady Cassandra Trevelyan glances at the man at her side when she hears his teeth come into contact with the surface of the juicy green apple he holds in his hand. She sees him take a large bite out of it as she hears it crunch into his waiting mouth. The Inquisitor diverts his attention from his breakfast and to her, a large grin appearing on his face when he notices she is watching him chew. Cassandra snorts quietly when she watches some of the juice from the apple drip down his chin because he is too busy smiling at her and not paying attention to what he is doing.

"Why are you looking at me?" The Inquisitor asks as he gives her another smile making her shake her head. Considering her husband, Lord Trevelyan had grown up in a noble household and had been taught about how to behave like a proper Lord, he had definitely forgotten some of the finer details.

"Because you are adorable." The Seeker replies as she leans forward from her space on the long wooden bench to reach her hand out to him, she wipes the drop of sweet liquid from his chin with her finger before bringing it back to her own mouth.

"I'm glad you think so." Lord Trevelyan chuckles holding the apple out to her, she shakes her head that she doesn't want any and watches him lift it to his lips again taking another bite. The muffled crunch showing her how fresh and crisp the fruit is and how well they are doing to be getting such nice food to them in the mountains and Skyhold.

Cassandra watches him take a quick look over his shoulder when he hears loud voices and jeering coming from the next table that is full of visiting soldiers from neighbouring land. All eating their breakfast as quickly as they can before they have to be at their posts or out into the yard to be drilled by their commander. She follows his eye line and sees them begin jostling each other as they eat, glad that they aren't sitting at their table and wondering if they behaved that way all the time or if they saved it just for them.

Mealtimes weren't always this loud at Skyhold, but you could always guarantee if they had visitors it was impossible to hear yourself think or focus on anything else. Even though it was sometimes hard to find a seat if you weren't quick enough, especially now there were so many of them, the members of the Inquisition were always quiet and respectful. Skyhold was their home too.

"Are you finished yet?" Lady Trevelyan asks him when he turns his attention back to her, she sees his brow crease as he shakes his head. "You can't still be hungry." She adds when she sees him smile again and drop his eyes to her plate, seeing that he notices that she hasn't touched much of her own breakfast.

"I'm a still growing." The Inquisitor replies as he lowers the apple from his mouth and turns it over his in his hand to reach a bit that he hasn't sunk his teeth into yet. Cassandra laughs quietly as his words, she was certain that at 31 years old and the size and height of her husband, he didn't have any more growing to do. "You should eat more Cass.." He adds as she feels his eyes on her.

"I'm not hungry." The Seeker replies giving him a reassuring smile, in truth, she always felt a little nauseous these days and nothing tasted the same as it had before. All she wanted to do was eat chocolate and even that made her sick. Cassandra lifts her leg over the bench so that her feet are resting on the floor each side of it. "I'm the one that's growing." Lady Trevelyan huffs quietly noticing that he drops his eyes and smiles again. "Nothing fits me.." She whispers crossing her arms over her body.

"Well that's a good thing isn't it?" Lord Trevelyan whispers his reply as he leans forward in his own seat. "That means he's going to be big and strong." He adds as he drops the rest of his apple onto his empty plate.

She watches him wrap his hand around the mug that he's been drinking from, lifting it to his mouth to take a quick drink before replacing it. He turns in his seat, lifting his leg so that he is straddling the bench and facing her mirroring her body with his.

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