4 - Filled With Love

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"It's so quiet here.." Lady Trevelyan whispers.

"I know." He smiles sleepily as she slowly strokes her fingertips against the bare skin of his back. "Unusually quiet." Lord Trevelyan yawns when she trails her fingers lower until they reach his waist and the white sheet that and fur is resting over them.

"Whenever you say that," Cassandra whispers as she watches him slide his arm beneath his pillow as he lays on his front beside her. "They wake up." She adds with a quiet giggle, trying to keep her voice down as much as she can when she notices he lifts his head and glances across the room and towards the crib.

"No, still sleeping." The Inquisitor smiles at her when his eyes meet hers.

"It's still early." Lady Trevelyan whispers. "Go back to sleep." She adds as she continues to stroke her palm up to his shoulders when he settles back into his pillow, she lets her fingers follow the lines of his muscles which makes him smile sleepily, a smile of a contented man that has nowhere to be but in bed with his wife.

They'd been in their new home for just a few short weeks, a beautiful home that they'd had built of the same stone as Skyhold and that gave them the comfort that their fortress hadn't for a long time. It was high up in the meadows overlooking everything that was theirs which was close so they could work, but far away enough that they were finally getting some peace and time away from the Inquisition and everything that came with it. It had taken longer than Lord Trevelyan had originally planned to build and it was larger than they'd imagined, but Cassandra knew her husband wanted it to be perfect and be their forever home. As long as it was finished before their baby had arrived, they were happy. There was room for visitors, lots of places to live and relax, a library she could spend forever in, and a peaceful sanctuary for her and Lord Trevelyan, and most importantly space for their children to grow. Lady Trevelyan already loved their new home, and she knew Robert and Ashton did too.

"I need to build that crib.." He whispers quietly and she notices he looks like he is considering making a move to get up.

"I need to make up the room for your parents." Lady Trevelyan whispers. "We can do it later." She smiles at him when she watches him nod and roll onto his side and motion for her to come closer to him, making her smile at his offer and move until she can cuddle up against his side.

"Much, much later." The Inquisitor yawns quietly as Lady Trevelyan wraps her arms around his middle, feeling him wrapping himself around her. She relaxes into his hold, enjoying the warmth of his skin so familiar and comforting especially on a lazy morning in bed.

"I love this," Cassandra whispers hearing him make a positive sound in agreement when she continues to rub his back. "I could stay here forever." She sighs quietly as she lifts her hand to stroke his hair.

"I could too." Lord Trevelyan sighs as she lets her eyes close lightly when she feels him begin to fall asleep again, feeling his breath on her skin begin to even out as they drift off together surrounded by perfect silence.

"Mama.." She hears Robert's poor attempt at whispering coming from somewhere close. "Mama." He whispers again making her open her eyes and lift her head from Lord Trevelyan and glance around her, spotting Robert is stood beside their bed and he quickly clambers onto it when he sees she is awake.

"What is wrong?" Cassandra asks her son as she carefully unwraps her arms from her husband and motions for Robert to join them. Watching him wriggle up the bed and in between them so she can wrap her arms around him and Lord Trevelyan.

"Is Thomas awake?" Robert asks and she watches him looking towards the crib when she shakes her head. "Can I please wake him up?" He asks making her laugh quietly and lift her hands to his cheeks so she can kiss his forehead.

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