2 - Comfortable

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"What does this say?" Lady Trevelyan asks as she places her finger on the page to point it out to Robert, watching as he lowers his eyes to the page and she can see him reading it to himself. "Read it out loud to me." She adds as she places her hand back onto the top of his head and strokes her fingers through his dark hair.

"The.." Robert begins. "Dragon had bright yellow.." He continues, reading carefully and considering each word before he says it. "Eyes and sharp claws." She hears finish and watches him glance at her and smile, looking as proud of himself as she was of him, his big brown eyes on her.

"Well done." Cassandra returns his smile and notices his attention returns to the book that she holds in one hand, cuddling him close to her while he sits on her lap with the other. "How about this one?" She adds as she rests her chin on top of his head and points to the next part.

"Can't we just go and see a Dragon?" Robert sighs quietly making her smile when she hears his words and presses a kiss against the side of his head. "Pleeease, Mama?" He adds, his eyes pleading with her when he looks at her.

"Not today." Lady Trevelyan smiles, shaking her head lightly at him when she hears him sigh sadly at her reply. "One day, I promise." Cassandra whispers and strokes his hair again seeing him nod and smile in return, seeming satisfied with her answer. Not until he's at least Thirty, Lady Trevelyan thinks to herself and squeezes her son tighter.

Lady Trevelyan looks up from the book when she hears the sound of the large wooden doors of the Great Hall open and then bang closed, starting to feel a little annoyed that someone would be interrupting her quiet time with Robert. She'd asked Josephine to keep any visitors out of the hall for the morning, just so she had a few hours with him and no distractions while Lord Trevelyan was in meetings. She knew she was supposed to still have some time until the tailor was due to discuss The Inquisitor's new clothes for their important visitors' arrival, and it was still hours until she was expecting Ashton.

"Papa!" Robert shouts as she watches him quickly wriggle out of her hold and slide off of her lap, making her smile when she watches him running towards her Lord Trevelyan who has just come through the door.

"Don't you want to finish this story?" Cassandra calls after her son, her heart feeling like it might burst when she hears Robert laughing when Lord Trevelyan scoops him up in his arms and starts pressing kisses all over his face. "I assume that is a no." She laughs quietly and closes the book, lowering it to the floor by her feet.

"Sorry.." Lord Trevelyan smiles at her as he reaches her, trying his best to walk with Robert wrapped around his legs. "I know you wanted some quiet." He adds as she watches him trying to unwrap the boy's arms who clings on even tighter to his waist. "I know he's supposed to be reading but I wanted to talk to you." Ashton lifts his hand to her cheek as he bends to kiss her lips softly.

"Books apparently aren't as exciting as the real thing." The Seeker smiles at her husband and strokes his face for a moment until she watches Robert trying to get his father's attention.

"We were reading about Dragons." Robert grins at his father and Cassandra watches him finally let go of Lord Trevelyan and move towards the armchair to pick up his book. "Can I see a real one?" She hears him asking Ashton and notices he opens the book and begins showing it to Lord Trevelyan, pointing enthusiastically at a drawing of a large Dragon.

"One day." The Inquisitor nods at his son, making Cassandra laugh lightly when she notices his eyes move to her and he shakes his head at her. "When you're much, much, much older.." Lord Trevelyan sighs. "When he's eighteen?" Ashton asks, his question directed towards her.

"No way.." Cassandra laughs and notices that Robert is looking between his parents, almost as if he is waiting for them to agree that they should go the next day. "I don't think my heart could take it." She adds and watches her husband smile at her in understanding before his attention returns to the picture Robert is now showing him.

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