3 - Safe

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Lady Cassandra Trevelyan lets her eyes slowly travel over her reflection as she stands in front of the mirror in her and The Inquisitor's tower room of Skyhold. Smiling to herself when she notices how nice she looks in the dress that the tailor Juanico De La Ruani has created for her, and how it fits her in all of the right places but is flowing enough to still be discreet about her pregnancy. She can't help but see that he's picked the most exquisite blue colour, just as she'd asked, that compliments her pale skin wonderfully and makes her look very elegant and just like the Lady of Skyhold that she is, for now anyway. Cassandra takes hold of the dress in her hands, turning her body as to make the light fabric that surrounds her legs move and follow her as she does. It didn't have quite as many jewels as Duchess Florianne's dress, but she couldn't help but feel beautiful right now.

"Wow.." She hears his voice behind her and moves her eyes to his reflection, smiling at Lord Trevelyan when she approaches and she sees he stands behind her. "You look incredible." He whispers, his words only making her smile further and sure she feels herself blush.

"It's not purple." Cassandra giggles quietly when she watches him chuckle in the reflection and then feels him placing his hand on her bare shoulder and stroking her skin. "Do you really like it?" She asks, glancing over her shoulder at him so her eyes can meet his.

"You're always beautiful." Lord Trevelyan smiles at her as she returns her eyes to her reflection, feeling him press a soft kiss against the side of her neck. "But today I feel like you can see what I do." He adds making her nod and smile when she realises he is right, her smile widening when she kisses her cheek.

"Did Josephine tell you who we are to be meeting?" She asks as she watches his reflection moving in the mirror and feels him move away from her and his attention return back to dressing himself.

"She did.." She hears Lord Trevelyan mumbling so she glances over her shoulder and notices he is slipping the shirt onto his body. "A few Lords from Orlais." He adds. "One from Tevinter I think." He continues making her nod.

"What about the one she was most excited about?" Lady Trevelyan asks as she carefully lets her fingertips trail through her hair, making sure it is in place when she glances at the mirror again.

"Yeah, what was his name.." He huffs quietly to himself. "I know she said he's a Duke." The Inquisitor continues, making her smile to herself that she's lucky Lord Trevelyan has remembered that much.

Lady Trevelyan steps away from the mirror and approaches her husband when she sees he is trying to pin the sleeve of the shirt but not managing because the fabric is so new. Cassandra hears him making a small sound of frustration so she places her hands lightly on his chest which draws his eyes to her. He gives her a grateful smile when she takes the pin from him and folds the leftover fabric until it sits below where his arm now finishes.

"A Duke?" Cassandra asks seeing him nod lightly and his eyes watch her pinning the shirt for him. "We don't have many of those visit." She adds and hears him laugh quietly in agreement when she moves her fingers and finishes the last buttons on his shirt.

"I want to say Van something?" Lord Trevelyan begins as she watches him lifting his hand to his chin as he thinks. "Sorry, I'm hopeless." He adds and smiles at her. "I'm sure it was Van." She hears him continue as he begins looking around him for his shoes.

"We'll be meeting him before you remember." She laughs quietly and reaches for the small bottle of perfume on the top of their dresser. "You seem nervous, my love?" Cassandra asks him as she dabs some scent onto her wrists and her neck before watching him lowering himself to sit on the bed. He was definitely more restless than usual and she could see by the way he was fiddling with his shoes that he's anxious.

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