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~Charlotte's POV~

I had just come back from a mission with Hydra. When there was a commotion outside of my room. I went outside to see what was happening. Everyone was running so I stop a girl and asked what was going on. "Someone has killed Dreykov we're free," She said.  I stood there frozen not knowing what to do. " He is dead," I thought to myself. After some time I grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I could. I ended up in a forest I got my small pocket knife and cut my tracker out just in case and kept running. I ended up finding a small store out of no we're. I asked the employee if there was anywhere I could stay because I got lost and didn't know my parent's phone number. " No, but you can come home with me if you like, and will find your parents tomorrow It's getting late," They said. I was a bit hesitant at first but said ok.

When we got to her house she asked If I had eaten I said yes because I didn't want to bother her. " Ok but you should get some rest and we would figure this out in the morning," she said. I went to go sleep on the couch she stopped me and said " You can go to my room and sleep I will take the couch". " No, I'm ok here I don't want to be a bother you have helped me enough by letting me stay here". "Nonsense it's not a bother you go to the room". I ended up giving up and said "ok".

When I got to the room I saw a bed with a little desk in the corner she didn't have a lot but she still let me stay. I ended up staying up all night because I could fall asleep from all the memory in my head and think about how I'm free now. I never had to go back.


Sorry for the short chapter I don't know if this is good but at least I tried l hope you liked It. And If you have suggestions I would appreciate it. Have a nice day bye.

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