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~Charlotte's POV~
I got out of bed a six in the morning thinking about what will happen. I got changed and went downstairs. I'm staying to regret not sleeping for two days straight. When I got downstairs my newly found mom saw me coming. "Hi honey how did you sleep" "It was good" I lied she didn't need to know I wasn't sleeping. I didn't want to consider her already.
"That's good can you wake up your brother for breakfast" "Sure".

I went back upstairs and tried to find James' room but lucky for me, his name was on the door. I knock on the door but hear nothing {He must still be asleep}. I opened the door to find James almost falling on the floor from his bed. "Hey," I said quietly. And of course, he fell off the bed I didn't even scrim at him. "Ahh you scared me" "Sorry but Mom told me to wake you up for breakfast" "Ohh ok thank tell her I will be there in a minute or to get to get pretty for the day" "ok bye" "bye sis!!". How did he already get so conferrable calling me sis? Well, he is my brother so I have to get used to it. I wonder if he is always so happy and excited in the morning. Is he the kind of guy that likes to look good all the time and gets defense with it? No, because this hair is a mess. Well, dads hair is also like that so maybe it's genetic.

~James's POV~
Alright time to get ready for today. Got to make a good impression on my sister. Oh, and I got to tell Sirius about her in my next letter. He's going to love her but I got to tell him she's off limits or he will try to get with her. I also have to protect her from the other guys at school if she gets in. I have to tell her everything. Ok, James get it together. I wonder what Mom made for dinner. Ok, let's go down now. Damn, I look good!!

~Charlotte's POV~
When I got downstairs I took a set next to Mom. We waited for some minutes and then he got downstairs he did look better. "Good morning my beautiful family how are you all doing today" "Good morning James," said Mom and Dad. Did he have to make such a big entrance? Well I'm going to have to get used to this aren't I? When he got to his sit Mom started talking about thighs we were going to do like getting new clothes with me since I didn't have many but that dad had to stay and do work.

After breakfast, we went to a place called Diongon Ally, we went through a thing called the Floo network. It was a bit weird but cool at the same time. When we got there James went straight to a store that had a broom on display. We followed him there. "Mom can I get it" "No but maybe when we come to get you your school supplies" " ok," James said with a sad voice and pout. I chuckled a little at that. When he saw that he smiled. He pulled me to a store that had a lot of clothes. He started to pick out clothes that he thought fit me and not going to lie he had style.

Mom came a minute later. "You kids run so fast" "Sorry" we both said. After finding me enough clothes James screamed out that I needed to get me shoes he pulled out some that would match out with that clothes that we got. We made sure that they fit and went to pay for everything.

When we got home we were about to go up to our rooms when mom stop us. "Maybe you should both go to James's room and talk while I put your things in your room". "Ok," we both said. He then dragged me to his room.

When we got there we sat on his bed for some time. "So what do you want to talk about," I said. "Well I could tell you about the school I go to you might go there too if you get your letter" "Ok" "Well the school is called Hogwarts they teach us how to use our magic" "That's cool" "I know right there are four houses that you get into there are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin". "I'm in Gryffindor so were Mom and Dad well our whole family"

He kept telling me all about Hogwarts and his best friends Sirius, Remus, and Peter, and all the pranks they made. After some time Mom called us down for dinner. Wow, we talked a lot.

We went downstairs and sat down. "How was shopping" "It was good," me and James said in unison. "I'm happy to hear that" "So are you two excited to go to Hogwarts we'll I assume James told you all about it" " Ya it sounds fun" "I'm so excited I get to show off my new sister and get to show her everything" " and maybe she can help with some pranks" James muttered softly. " no you can't corrupted you sister" said mom. "Ok"

We keeped talking and finished dinner after we all got ready for bed and went to sleep. This was one of the best days of my life I got to spend it with family and I can't wait to go to Hogwarts with James and meet his friends I'm sure they will be fun.

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