Chapter 4

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In the opulent kingdom of Kano, riches abounded in every corner. The grandeur of the palace was unmatched, adorned with gilded walls, intricate tapestries, and polished marble floors that reflected the flickering light of chandeliers. The air carried a scent of luxury, mingling with the fragrance of exotic flowers that adorned meticulously manicured gardens.

However, this lavishness was a facade that concealed a stark contrast within the kingdom. The wealth and splendour were forcefully acquired, either through coercion or conquest, leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of those who laboured under the oppressive regime. Among them were the enslaved people, whose lives were bound to servitude within the palace walls.

The majority of the palace was inaccessible to these individuals, sealed off by imposing gates and guarded by watchful eyes. Only the most trusted and favoured slaves were allowed within these restricted areas, forever tied to the whims and desires of the master. Their existence was one of perpetual servitude, denied the freedoms enjoyed by the fortunate few who held power and privilege.

Within the blocked-off sections of the palace, secrets unfolded and whispered conversations took place. The walls witnessed the struggles and aspirations of the enslaved, their hopes for a better life, and their dreams of liberation. Hidden from the prying eyes of the outside world, these spaces held both the master's treasures and the unspoken stories of those who were deemed his property.

Behind closed doors, the enslaved individuals navigated a complex web of power dynamics, seeking solace in the bonds formed within their own community. Their days were spent tending to the needs and desires of the master and his entourage, their identities overshadowed by the roles they were assigned.

The kingdom of Kano, with all its ostentatious wealth, was a stark symbol of inequality and exploitation. The palpable contrast between the privileged few and the enslaved masses created an atmosphere of tension and resentment. The grandeur and riches that surrounded them were a constant reminder of their subjugation, fuelling a yearning for freedom and a desire to break the chains that bound them.

In this kingdom, where wealth flowed like a river, the riches were skewed and held in the hands of a select few. The struggles and sacrifices of the enslaved population remained hidden beneath the surface, as they silently yearned for a future where their lives would be defined by their own choices, rather than the whims of a master.

Everest and Gyan, the two individuals who were granted access to the master's property, moved with an air of authority and purpose. Their presence within the palace was marked by a sense of exclusivity, their footsteps echoing through opulent halls as they carried out the master's bidding.

Everest, Nadia's once beloved brother, possessed a commanding presence that demanded respect. Tall and muscular, he stood as a pillar of strength in the face of adversity. His features, chiselled and weathered, spoke of a life shaped by hardship and unwavering determination. With each stride, he exuded a sense of unwavering loyalty and steadfastness to his duties.

The sight of Everest and Gyan entering or leaving the master's property was a rare occurrence, observed only by a select few. Their privileged access to the inner sanctum of the palace spoke volumes about their standing in the master's eyes. It hinted at their deep involvement in the inner workings of the kingdom, the secrets they held, and the power they wielded in the shadows.

The enigmatic nature of their comings and goings fuelled speculation and curiosity among the enslaved populace. They became symbols of privilege and influence, evoking a mix of envy, admiration, and fear. Their interactions with the master became subjects of speculation and whispered conversations, shrouded in the mystery that surrounded the inner workings of the palace.

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