Chapter 6

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This,my friend, is a residue of elemental energy," Everest replied, his voicetinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "It seems that someonewith powerful elemental abilities was involved in this attack. The orange glowindicates the presence of fire energy."

As he followed the glowing strand with his eyes, Everest tried to piece together the events that had unfolded. It was clear that a fierce battle had taken place, and the master's army had suffered devastating losses. But who could have wielded such elemental power to overpower the well-trained soldiers?

"This attack was no ordinary act of violence," Everest continued, his gaze shifting from the glowing strand to the burned-out buildings. "It appears that someone with extraordinary abilities has unleashed their elemental powers here. The extent of the destruction suggests a level of control and strength that is beyond anything I have witnessed."

The guards listened intently, their expressions a mix of awe and trepidation. They had seen the power of the master first-hand, but this was something altogether different. Everest's words opened up a realm of possibilities, raising questions about the existence of other beings with elemental gifts.

"We must investigate further," Everest declared, his voice firm. "We need to find out who could have done this and why. There may be answers hidden within the remnants of this village, clues that can shed light on the motives behind this devastating attack."

With determination in his eyes, Everest led the guards deeper into the village, following the trail of elemental energy. The air crackled with an electric intensity, fuelling their resolve to uncover the truth and seek justice for those who had fallen. Little did they know that their journey would unveil a web of secrets, propelling them towards an inevitable confrontation with their own destinies.

Everest made his way towards the entrance of the cave, a feeling of unease settling in the pit of his stomach. As he stepped inside, the air grew colder, and the darkness enveloped him. The only source of light was the dim glow emanating from his palm as he summoned a small flame.

The cave seemed ordinary at first, with its rocky walls and stalactites hanging from the ceiling. But as Everest ventured deeper, he noticed peculiar markings etched onto the stone surfaces. Symbols of ancient origin, their meaning lost to time. The air crackled with a faint hint of elemental energy, sending a shiver down his spine.

The deeper he delved, the stronger the presence of magic became. It pulsed through the cavern, as if whispering secrets of the past. Everest's senses heightened, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the missing villagers or the one responsible for the destruction.

As he reached a large chamber, he saw a faint flickering light at the far end. Drawing nearer, his heart quickened with anticipation. The light danced, casting eerie shadows against the walls. And then he saw it—a figure, cloaked in darkness, standing in the centre of the chamber.

Everest approached cautiously, his steps light yet resolute. The figure turned to face him, and Everest's breath caught in his throat. It was a woman, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. Her presence exuded power and ancient knowledge.

"Who are you?" Everest asked, his voice steady but laced with a hint of caution.

The woman regarded him silently for a moment before speaking, her voice echoing through the chamber like a distant whisper. "I am the Keeper of Secrets, the Guardian of Balance. I have witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, the ebb and flow of magic. But now, a great threat looms, and I seek answers."

Everest's curiosity piqued. "What threat? What happened to the villagers?"

The woman's gaze bore into his, her voice carrying a weight of sorrow. "Dark forces have awakened, forces that seek to disrupt the delicate equilibrium. The villagers were taken, their lives intertwined with a sinister plot. I sense your connection to the master, the one who wields immense power. You must tread carefully, for danger lurks in the shadows."

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