Ch 4:She wont give up on me!!

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Next morning I woke up and prepared for school like always,still not forgetting about what happened yesterday,after getting ready for school,I went outside not expecting minami to wait for me

When I got outside I saw her standing in front of my house,she waited for me?

"Oh uh nakamura kun good morning"

She really did wait for me

"Oh good morning minami san I hope you didn't wait to long for me?"

"I just got here nakamura kun,anyways let's go to school together like always"

Is she really ok?,im a bit worried about her,I mean I just rejected her yesterday,and now she waited for me outside of our house like nothing happened.

"Oh ok minami san"

We walked to school like always,but there is something different,she's holding my arms and putting it between her chest

"Minami san can you let go of my arm?"

"Why nakamura kun? You don't like me holding your arms?"

"Uhh no,what if everyone sees you holding my arms,they're going to think we're dating"

"I can't accept it"

What?,what did she mean by that?

"Minami san what do you mean b-"

"Nakamura kun I can't accept the reality that  you can still be taken from me by other girls,I can't stand seeing you with another girl other than me!"

What the hell is she crazy or something she ain't my mother to tell me that!,wait...

"So I'm going to tell you again,kaito nakamura I like you and there is no other boy that would make me feel the same way like you do so please be my boyfriend?!"

I held her hands and said,"minami even if you confess to me 100 times the answer will still be the same,minami san I only see you as a childhood friend nothing else so please give up on me and find a better person than me!"

*sobs*"why nakamura kun what kind of trait that you want from a girl that isn't in me? Tell me nakamura kun!!"

"None your a perfect girl for every boy in our school,but for me your a trustworthy friend,a friend that I knew since childhood I'm sorry minami san but I don't have romantic feelings for you so please give up on me"

Minami didn't reply for a few minutes,she suddenly cried so much I tried to comfort her but she pushed me away,and ran back to her house,I just broke her heart again,im really the worst am I?

My childhood friend loves me too much!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang