ch 26:The queen has arrived

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Erika has landed on Japan,she call kaito on her phone.

"Kaito where are you right now,I'm already here waiting for you"

"Uhh I'm already here aswell,where are you seated?"

"Oh I see you now *waves* kaito!! I'm right here"

"Oh Erika!"

Erika runs towards kaito,she hugs him tightly

"Ahh I miss hugging you like this,I missed feeling your warmth kaito"

"Erika,we're in public can't you wait until we get to the apartment you rented?"

"Hmph it can't be helped,come on let's go!"

"There's a taxi over ther-"

"No need for that,I already have someone that will bring me there"

"HUH!? Then why'd you call me to the airport?"

"So I could see you sooner!"

As they were talking a limo suddenly arrived calling Erika's name

"There's ours ride *drags him towards the car* come on now My Honey"

They hopped inside the car,kaito was still very new to this,so he was keeping his hands to himself because he was afraid to break something there,Erika noticed this,and laughed.

"Why are you laughing,what's so funny erika"

" *giggles* your so adorable when your like that you know,pfft"

"This is my first time riding a luxurious car,what else would be my reaction huh?!"

"Well your right about that..."

"Also I never knew you were this rich,I thought your family's wealth only stayed in the Philippines"

"Well I actually have some relatives in Japan you know,so yeah that's why I was able to go here without worrying about renting a place to stay,since my relatives have already prepared all I need"


"And I'm also gonna try to get a citizenship here in Japan"

"B,But how about your career?!"

"Well...we have a bunch of business partners here In japan,so I won't run out of work at all"

"is that so"

"Miss erika we have arrived"

"Oh we're here!"

Kaito was shocked to see that the place that erika rented,it was a whole fucking mansion.
They entered the mansion,kaito was astonished he had never been in a house as big as this,erika in the other hand was observing kaito,she giggles at how astonished kaito was

"Oh no...I got to go home now erika,it's almost midnight"

"H-huh? But I thought you were going to stay with me for the night"

"Uh well..."

"What am I gonna do alone in this big mansion huh? *starts to tear up*"

"B-But I might get scolded by my parents if I stay here with you"


[Kaito:" isn't she supposed to be more mature and older than me? Why does she act like a total baby]

"I really have to go now,I'll see you tomorrow"

"No! I-Ill talk to your parents tomorrow so you won't be scolded,so please stay with me for the night,please kaito-kun"

"F-fine,But if I get in trouble it will be your fault ok erika"


"You know That's not how a grown woman should act right?"

"S-Shut up,I'm only like this because I'm with you"


"Hmph! *blushes*"

"You look more like a child that couldn't get what she wanted"

"Ehhhh *face turns red of embarrassment"

"You actually look adorable when you're blushing"

Kaito continued teasing her until midnight...

*birds chirping*

Kaito wakes up and sees erika,sleeping beside him,he tried to get out until...

"I-I'm naked,w-what the fuck happened last night!?"



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