Chapter Three

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I quickly walked into my room and put the bags into the kitchen area. I knew that voice was familiar. Steve-O was in the same hotel as I was. Yes, the same Steve from Jackass. I had watched Jackass a couple of times before but it settled down during time. But knowing you were in the same hotel with one of the biggest daredevils you had known.

I put away the food into the mini fridge and the other stuff into the dresser in the bedroom. After that I had a quick snack and decided to watch some TV.

Halfway through Desperate Housewives, because there wasn't anything else to watch, my phone rang. Obviously that was my mother.

She told me about her day and I told her about mine.


I woke up to someone knocking on my door. I must have fallen asleep somewhere between the reruns of Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives. I quickly stretched as there was another knock on the door. "I'm coming," I shouted as I jumped up from the couch and walked to the door. As I opened it my stomach flipped but I tried my best to stay calm. "Uhm, you're keys were still in the lock." Steve O said as he handed me the keys. You could hear silent laughs from the right side of the corridor. As I looked in that direction I could see 3 familiar faces staring back at me. One of them laughing quietly, the other holding back his laugh and the third just standing there smiling and looking at me. My stomach made another flip. You probably are wondering who they were, right? Bam Margera was the one laughing, Johnny Knoxville was the one holding his laugh back and the one smiling was Ryan Dunn. In that moment I was sure I was dreaming. I was never a lucky person and now four guys from one of the best tv series and movie(s) were standing behind my door. This just couldn't be happening.

"Thanks," I could finally say as I took the keys from Steve. "No problem," he said and Johnny bursted laughing. I wasn't sure why until there was a big white cloud in front of me and the next thing I knew Steve O was lying on the floor in front of me, covered in flour. Next to him stood Chris Pontius himself, holding a sack which I guess was full of flour before he had slammed it into Steves face. I tried my best to hold back the laughter. Mr. Margera on the other hand was laughing with tears bursting from his eyes and so were Knoxville and Dunn. So there I was. Standing on my doorstep, holding back my laugh with my keys in one hand and my other hand covering my mouth. I looked up from the laughing Steve O, who for sure was in pain, and saw Pontius standing there with his hand stretched out and a big smile painted on his face. I raised one eyebrow, because one of his hands was suspiciously hid behind his back. "Oh come on, I'm just trying to be polite. Hello, my name's Chris. But you can call me Pontius, or Party Boy, whatever suits you the best." I looked over to where Margera, Knoxville and Dunn were standing. Knoxville looked over to me as he held back his laugh once more and shook his head. As I turned my head back to where Pontius was standing I understood what was going on. A bucket full of water was thrown and I could jump away at the last second. Everyone was laughing once again as Pontius was standing there, clearly disappointed by his failure. I chuckled a bit and went to shake his hand now. "Nice to meet you. I'm Danielle but you can call me Dani. And oh, I already know who you guys are." Pontius nodded as he let go of my hand. Steve O groaned on the ground, to give notice that he was still on the ground. "You okay?" I asked as I chuckled once again. He looked up at me and squinted his eyes as he nodded. The guys helped him up and now they all stood in front of my door. "Uhm, do you wanna come in or?" I asked awkwardly, as now they were all staring at me. Knoxville shook his head. "We should actually go now. But we'll see you around." I nodded and smiled as they all went away.

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