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A couple of days had passed and I hadn't really bumped into the guys since. 

The only time I really heard of them was when people got really pissed off and yelled at them to learn how to behave like normal people and to stop all of this noise. It really seemed that that didn't exactly affect them as the nights were still mostly filled with loud laughter and loud bangs coming from my hotel floor. 

On a Tuesday morning I decided I wasn't bothered to get out much, seeming as every day since I'd been there I had been out and about exploring the area. So I just ordered some room service and lounged around on the sofa, wearing my trusty Calvin Klein sports bra and some plain black jersey leggings, browsing around on my laptop searching for places to go for a run later on. 

A knock on the door made ma get off the sofa and made me realize how hungry I actually was. My stomach sounded like a dying mammoth. So I ran to the door and swung it open, probably looking like a right creep with a grin as big as the Cheshire Cat's.

"Your breakfast, Miss Franklin." The lady said as I stepped out of her way letting her wheel the cart in with my food. As I thanked her and she made her way out my door and down the hallway I heard loud steps coming from the left of the hallway. It sounded like someone was running. 
The next thing I knew I was hit in the face by my own door, causing me to fall straight onto the floor on my back. A loud "Oww," was all that could come out of my mouth at this point. I was left confused, and in pain, on my hotel room floor, when I felt someone hovering over me.

"Hey, you okay? I'm really sorry I was jus-" Margera's voice sounded through the daze I was in, clearly holding back his laugh but slightly panicking at the same time. I tried to work out the words to say that I'm okay but it just wasn't happening. "Man, how hard did you hit your head?" He asked again. This time more worried than enterntained. I felt myself slowly lifted from the carpet on the floor and carried somewhere.
Great, I thought, I don't even know him personally, who knows what will happen to me.
At this moment I blacked out. 

I was woken to a loud sound of glass shattering and someone mumbling "shit" under their breath. "Hey, you're awake. Great. I thought you were going to fucking die for a moment there," Dunn said as I heard a familiar laugh in the distance. Definitely coming from Johnny. 

"Welcome back sunshine! Bam said you had a big fall," Knoxville said as he laughed once more. 

"Yeah, I guess so," I said as he handed me a glass of water, his other hand bleeding like crazy. I guess that's where the glass shattering came from.

"Are you o-" I said as I tried to sit up and examine his hand but it clearly was a bad idea as the dizziness kicked in immediately, making me feel like I could throw up accompanied with a throbbing pain at the back of my head. He gently pushed me back to the sofa I was laying on. "You hit your head pretty hard, I'd suggest you lie for a little." He said as he made room for himself next to me on the sofa. 

"Why exactly was I the one to be so privileged to be smacked in the face by my door?" I asked, closing my eyes and massaging my temples with my index fingers to ease the pain a bit. Dunn laughed, as Knoxville explained: "Bam thought it would be a brilliant idea to play a prank on the hotel staff," he shook his head in disapproval "Turns out it wasn't as good of an idea as he thought. They called the security on him and he was running back to his room. He wasn't looking forward so he just ran into your door, making it swing back and hit you." 

"Yeah, sorry about that," Margera came in the room, with a beer bottle in one hand.

"No problem, I mean I may suffer from some head trauma and turn insane or something, but other than that I guess I'll be fine," Knoxville snorted a laugh at my response. 

"And you, you didn't let me finish before. Are you okay? Your hand is bleeding like a girl on her period. You should really wrap it up with something if you don't want some nasty infection." I could now sit up, slowly but surely, taking my time. I gently took his hand and examined it. 

"I was trying to get a glass of water but accidentally hit the glass on the side of the sink and it shattered in my hand, no big deal. I've dealed with more serious injuries  than this." 

"Are you sure, because you still have pieces of glass stuck in your hand." 

At this point I ushered Dunn and Margera to get me some tweezers, cloth and antiseptics. Margera couldn't dare to go down to reception for a while so it was on Dunn to find me the necessary items. A little time passed but I got what I needed and cleaned out Johnnys wounds. 

I've met all of the others by now and they had me over for a couple of drinks. I didn't dare to drink after banging my head on the floor so I just stayed over and sipped on water, listening to the boys' crazy stories.

"It's getting late and I promised myself I'd go for a run, which I clearly can't do now, thanks to Mr Margera here, so I guess I should probably head back to my room and rest for a bit." I said as I got up from the sofa.

I waved to the boys and walked towards the door, but as I opened it and took a step out someone caught my wrist, swinging me around. It was no other than Knoxville. He smiled, but my eyes were full of confusion.

"Did I leave something behind?" I asked, thinking about what in the hell I could have left behind, as I was only in a sports bra, leggings which didn't have pockets and well, you really don't get to grab anything with you when you're knocked unconscious.

"Yeah, well since you were carried out of your room against your will, I guess, and you didn't have the time to grab your hotel room key then you really don't have a place to stay at for the night,"


He probably could see the panic on my face and he smirked. "So I was wondering if you'd like a place to stay for the night?" He clearly read the confused expression on my face. "You could stay the night at my room. I don't mind crashing on the sofa for the night." I looked down to see that he still had his hand holding my wrist, it seemed that at the same moment he realised that too and let go immediately. 

"Uhm, I mean I don't want to be a burden but I guess I don't have any other places to stay at either,"

"Yeah well Steve-O was up for sharing a room with you as well but we all know how he gets with girls but if you're up for it and if you're that type of g-"

"No, no. I'm fine with your room, thanks." I said and shook my head, causing Knoxville to laugh.

He closed the room door behind him and showed me to his hotel room.

It was pretty similar to mine. Only maybe larger and with a different room style. Other than that, everything else was the same. The layout, the view, etc. 

"Here," he said as he tossed me what seemed to be his T-shirt, "you need something to sleep in, don't you?" 

I thanked him and made my way to the bathroom, to shower before I hit the hay for the night. 


This is incredibly shitty, but I just stumbled upon this account, my dear old account, and saw the feedback on this story and was absolutely blown away that people actually liked this. It's been 3-4 years, everything has changed and everything is so different now. But I decided to surprise ya'll with a new chapter. It's a bit all over the place and boring since I wrote it in a spur of the moment. But I just felt the need to post something for this story! Thank you for actually enjoying my creative juices, it means a lot haha. x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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