Human name Bill

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Bill had just came home from work, "fuck, it took me forever to find that stupid bitch today" he muttered as his dog Luna ran up to greet him at the door wagging her tail he patted her white coat spotted with black.

Bill loved his dog Luna for a couple of reasons when he adopted, she was feisty as well as a cuddle bug when she wants to be, but Bill's favorite thing about (along with her lovable side) was her coat color reminded of the horse breed Appaloosa with the same coloring.

Bill sighed "well Loonie at least I'll get a decent pay this month, and thankfully she was easy to take down after I found her" Bill said stretching a bit "I hate it when they fight, last one almost broke my jaw" he said with sigh flopping on his couch, then he saw Luna putting her head on his lap "awe don't worry cupcake I'll get you the horse sweater with the check coming in" Luna  then barked happily.

Bill being an assassin did make a descent amount of money but more than often found himself in months with now targets. Bill had to do small jobs like part time jobs or planting evidence on people (so they go to jail not die) overall Bill's life style was at least calm at home since he tried to keep his 'work' away from home.

Looked in the fridge seeing nothing but leftovers from fast food places and groaned, "fuck I forgot to go shopping this week" he pulled out the leftovers one from a sandwich from 'make it your own sandwich' , another the which was noodles and egg rolls from 'Asian food and stuff' then the last one being yellow chicken curry from 'OMG Thai' Bill forgot how old the stuff was so he decided to just sniff  each one.

The curry smelled like vomit making Bill almost vomit, "ok that one is out" Bill immediately tossed. Bill then sniffed the noodles and egg roll "smells ok" then Bill opened the sandwich container and saw the sandwich was covered in blue and black mold, "well that's fucking gross" Bill tossed the container. Then took the container of noodles and egg rolls and dumped them on a plate "I guess I'm having Asian tonight" he said plopping the plate in the microwave.

As Bill's food warmed up Bill looked through his mail seeing he had a letter from Fizz (his neighbor/friend/pet sitter)

The letter said 'hey Bill wanted you to know your dog was walked fed etc while you were away on your business trip (don't know why you take so many of them) anyways pay me back some time this week

Your Friend Fizz'

Bill sighed "at least you were well cared for while I was awhile Luna" the microwave then buzzed breaking Bill from his thoughts.

After eating some leftovers put his dishes in the sink "I'll wash these tomorrow I'm to fucking tired to think about dishes" Bill whined.

As Bill started to walk towards his bedroom he then notice Luna was making a low growl the living room window with her fur on the back of her neck standing up which she never does, even when there is company over (which was mostly Fizz).

Bill slowly got up grabbing his pistol from his coat pocket, he went to open the curtain to see what was upsetting his poor Luna secretly hoping it was just a hobo or a lost cat.

As Bill peeled back the curtain he briefly saw a glimpse of light from the roof top of the apartment across the street before Bill felt something hit his shoulder. Bill looked down seeing blood pouring from his shoulder.

Bill didn't fall over having adrenaline coursing through him, instead he shot in the direction of the sniper. Bill growled "I fucking hope I can him them from here" he hissed to himself. There wasn't anymore shots Bill sighed in relief. Bill then went to pull the curtain closed when five more bullets hit Bill four in his chest and one hitting his eye.

Bill coughed up blood desperately trying to think as blood spilled out of his chest 'Fizz would have heard the gun, hopefully he'll be here soon'

Bill fell feeling his limbs go numb 'I make sure... Luna is ok... until Fizz gets here...' before passing out he grabbed Luna's food spilling the whole bag on the floor with Luna whining by Bill.

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