Sick Blitzo Caring Stolas

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Stolas winced seeing the sinner so scared at what just happened despite it being common for demons and sinners alike having tails horns and fangs Blitzo seemed so frighten by this change. Stolas kneeled down a few feet away from the sinner "it's ok your safe, just breathe, in and out" the sinner tried but it sounded more like hyperventilating with their head waivers back and forth.

Stolas slowly made his way over to the frightening sinner "it's ok" Stolas said attempting to close the space from him to sinner. Stolas hesitated 'just don't run little sinner just stay right there' Stolas thought to himself. As Stolas was about to touch the sinner they tried to get up and run stumbling doing so.

However Stolas was faster grabbing the sinner hugging him tightly with the sinner's face in Stolas chest, "don't kill me, I don't want to die" the sinner cried as they struggled their tail whipping back and forth like a whip.

Stolas felt his heart still beating fast, then whispered a calming spell in the sinner's ear not want the sinner to hurt themselves. Stolas remembers this spell while would occasionally use on Octavia when she was younger.

Stolas listen to hearing the sinner's heart beat slow down though as it did he watched as the sinner's skin changed color to orange and blue, to orange, then yellow with their tail still twitching back and forth like a cat's tail 'interesting this sinner can change color but from how he feels, I'll have to keep it in mind' Stolas thought to himself.

Blitzo heard the tall owl whisper something as he continued to struggle out of the demon owl hold. Though slowly his limbs turned to jello 'no I can't stay' Blitzo thought to himself then he started to have a sudden sense of calm wash over him making him fully lean into the tall owl demon's chest. Blitzo could hardly think after calming down almost forgetting why he wanted to run.

Stolas sighed 'ok now I need information from him since he seems to be calm now' Stolas thought to himself Stolas pulled back from the hug enough to look at the sinner in the eye "now can you to tell me your name" the sinner hesitated "'s...B-Blitzo" Stolas nodded "ok, so Blitzo, would you like something to eat? or perhaps something to drink?" Blitzo then covered his mouth shaking his head, Stolas then noticed the color of his skin briefly changing orange then going back to yellow "n-no... ugh not really" Stolas got up from the floor still holding Blitzo "are you not feeling well? should I get a bucket" Blitzo gripped Stolas's top "b-bathroom ugh... now" Stolas immediately ran over to the bathroom put Blitzo by the toilet.

Blitzo at first tried to hold it in seeing the bathroom was fancy looking not wanting to make a mess but then vomited aggressively in the making his body shake he felt the owl demon rub his back gingerly.

Blitzo tried desperately to catch his breath as he did he looked at what he threw up. Blitzo looked confused because it wasn't food or liquor it was just black ooze almost like oil but with a thicker consistency "what... what did...ugh... I just puke up-" Blitzo then vomited again of the same black ooze tasting not bile but something very bitter on his tongue barely noticing his skin changing to orange briefly then back to yellow.

Stolas had heard of sinner experiencing all sorts of symptoms first coming to hell the list being: disoriented, amnesia, even shell shock.

Though Stolas had never seen a sinner have flu symptoms, and vomiting up demon blood no less. Stolas felt sorry for Blitzo wanting to help him feeling a sense of him being 'needed, maybe even wanted' which he hadn't had felt those feelings from his own wife and in recent year his daughter.

Stolas sighed thinking 'I know I should just drop this sinner off in Pride but... maybe I could at least keep him here until he is well, after all Stella won't be back for while and Octavia is busy with her school work he thought to himself.

As Blitzo finished vomiting spitting up the last of the bitter black ooze Stolas got up off the floor noticing Blitzo swaying back and forth. Stolas first felt Blitzo's forehead  wondering how sick he was Blitzo barely noticed doing so only mumbling incoherently. Stolas sighed Blitzo's forehead was rather warm in fact almost hot 'his fever has gotten worse, I'll have to get some medicine in him' Blitzo slowly starts to lean on Stolas hand 'hopefully what I have works' patted Blitzo head getting his attention "ok let's get you back in bed" Blitzo's skin then started to waver from yellow to green, Stolas then asked "can you walk" Blitzo didn't reply to Stolas question, "do you feel like throwing up again?" Stolas asked trying to get an answer " I have s-some...ugh... w-water" Stolas nodded "ok Blitzo I'll be right back" then dashed off to the kitchen.

Stolas knew sinner's possessed a different demon genetic makeup than hellborn's. Sinners will gain certain features after dying, be it from they sins, their life style or even how they died. However Stolas found Blitzo changing skin tone interesting, 'what kind of sin would do that to you? or maybe it's how he died?'

Stolas came back with a cup of water along with some medicine for his fever, only to find Blitzo passed out on the bathroom floor.

Stolas put the water and medicine on the end table beside the bed then picked up Blitzo in a bridal fashion like he tried to do with Stella on their wedding day.

Stolas remembered how Stella immediately hit him on the head saying he was an idiot for trying to do such a commoner act.

Stolas put Blitzo in bed then pulled the silk covers over Blitzo tucking him into bed, 'I know I shouldn't but it will only be for a short while' he thought to himself knowing his wife wouldn't be so kind finding a sinner in her...their bed. Stolas seeing Blitzo tucked in looking more calm now couldn't help but smile a little 'I remember doing this for Octavia when she was a younger' but quickly Stolas shook his head 'what am I thinking he isn't a stray animal, a new hell hound definitely not a young royal he is a sinner, and I will have to send him to Pride...once he is well' he told himself.

Stolas went to sleep in the spare bedroom like he usually does when Stella is home but the sinner's tail wrapped around Stolas's hand he looked over at Blitzo as he mumbled "nooo...I wanted cotton candy" Stolas tried not to laugh remembering Octavia use to mumble silly things in her sleep. Though Stolas noticed the sweat pooling on his forehead, Stolas then felt Blitzo's forehead 'your fever is still there' he thought to himself Stolas sat Blitzo up his head swaying back and forth like a bobblehead, with Blitzo barely opening his eyes. Stolas sighed "sorry to wake up but I brought you some medicine to help you with your fever" Blitzo looked at Stolas confused breathing heavy  "I...I have a f-fever?" Stolas nodded attempting to put the medicine in in Blitzo's mouth. Then the pill fell out on the silk covers "are you too I'll to swallow this" Blitzo didn't answer if fact he looked like he was barely conscious. Stolas hesitated on what to do next then sighed "I guess I have no choice if I want you to get well" Stolas put the pill in his mouth then kissed Blitzo forcing Blitzo mouth open with his tongue shoving the pill inside.

Stolas broke the kiss with Blitzo some what unfazed of what happened (being sick and all) while Stolas was cherry red then put the glass of water to his lips making sure Blitzo didn't choke "there we go" Stolas said patting his head Blitzo's eyes closed falling asleep again.

Stolas sighed in relief laying Blitzo back down on the bed "ok I'll be in to check on you later" Stolas said tucking Blitzo in.

Blitzo rolled over to the empty side of the bed grabbing at seemly nothing "L...L-Luna...Luna" Stolas looked at Blitzo confused 'is that a past girlfriend? is she still in the living world?' Stolas thought to himself. Then Blitzo started to claw at the bed "Lu lu ... my little p-puppy... where... are you?" Blitzo sobbed, Stolas covered his mouth ' he misses his pet' Stolas went into his closet pulling out an old toy of Octavia's a horse with red button eyes and black fabric with flame like mane but with plushie (similar looking to actual hell horse) Stolas climbed into bed with the toy putting into Blitzo's hands which he immediately clung to like a old friend.

Stolas smiled "sleep well" he whispered leaving the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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