Welcome to Hell

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(Bil-... Blitzo)
Blitzo woke up from his dream in a daze 'wait is Blitzo my name right? ugh I feel too sick to think' feeling dizzy and with his stomach in knots rubbing his stomach feeling the large shirt seeing it was white with an goofy looking apple on the front,  along with ill fitting underwear.

Blitzo tried to sit up covering his mouth not want to vomit in the bed he was laying in "what happened?" he looked around seeing he was in a giant bed "where am I?" as he got out of bed his legs immediately buckled with his legs feeling like jello and his feet stiff as if he were wear shoes having him collapse on the floor instantly.

As he pushed himself he then notice something wrong (well a lot of things).
Blitzo may not have remembered a lot of things but he remembers his skin was supposed to be pale peach (you know average caucasian skin tone), though his skin now was like a Appaloosa horse white white dots with bits of color. Though instead of black or brown was green with white patches on his chest palms on of his hands with claws at the at the end of his fingernails.

As Blitzo looked down his the color changed from green to orange "what the fuck?" he said confused.

Blitzo felt his body noticing it was like a flat coat though when it shifted colors his fur fluffed up briefly.

Blitzo started to panic seeing this happen 'what the fuck is this? am I high? is this really my body? what am I? why am I like this?' Blitzo, looked down noticing he no long had toes but instead hooves. Blitzo started panicking slapping his face trying to wake himself up "come on Blitzo, wake up, wake up" he hissed at himself hoping it was a nightmare. As Blitzo was doing this he briefly felt something sharp in his mouth. Blitzo put his hands in his mouth feeling his teeth were no longer flat but sharp, not like fangs but simulator to that 'IT' clown.

Blitzo then back up against the bed and felt something hit something on his head that felt new almost like bone. Blitzo moved to his hand to his forehead feeling large horns "wha... what happened to my body?!" he screamed.

Then in came in a tall slim owl like demon with hind legs, four red eyes, with his limbs being black while his torso and head were grey however the slim owl demon had a white face dressed in a plain white shirt and cargo shorts. The tall owl demon looked at Blitzo considered as he bent over to help him up "oh dear, are you alright? did you fall out of bed?" he asked.

Blitzo immediately scooted back feeling like his heart was about to burst "w-what happened? what did you do to me?!" Blitzo shouted trying to sound tough but was visible shaking. The tall owl demon sighed his four red eyes looking down at Blitzo with concern "nothing I swear, but let's get you back in bed first, your still not well" Blitzo the slapped the owl demon's hand away "don't touch me!" then Blitzo felt something wrap around his middle startled him he looked down see it was a tail with an arrow shape at the end of his tail.

Blitzo started screaming trying to push his tail away which seemed to have a mind of it's own "what the hell?! what the fuck is going on?!" as Blitzo tried to back up from his own tail whimpering he noticed his skin color changing again to patches of blue but mostly orange.

Sinner BlitzoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora