Hello Readers!!!
Thank you so much for 250+ views!!!
Hope you enjoy the next chapter waiting for you, fresh out of the oven!! (Or is it the press?)
Anyway, this is a KotLC chapter!

Sophie had been up all night trying to figure out where the new Neverseen hideout was placed, and was only able to sleep for three hours. And, like the good boyfriend he is, Keefe decided to check up on her at 9:00 A.M., since she hadn't answered any of his messages or calls on the Imparter.
He knocked on the door and after receiving a raised eyebrow from Grady, he asked," Sophie?"
No answer.
"Sophie?" Keefe called out again.
No answer.
Wow, she must be sleeping like a rock. He was confident his girlfriend would be able to sleep through a hurricane because of the amount of sleep she lost. Keefe made a mental note that he would place a bet on that later.
For now, he could relate to the sleep deprived Sophie. He had quite a lot of those nights, thinking about his mom, the Neverseen, and Sophie. Or Foster, since that was what he liked to call her.
Come on Keefe, focus.
Keefe knocked on the door once more, and when he didn't get an answer, he opened the door. At first, Keefe didn't see anything wrong, the room was neat and tidy and the lump in the blankets was Sophie. Everything was peaceful and quiet. Except, it was too quiet, and the room was too tidy. Keefe had been to her room a few times (long story), and it was always a bit messy. And if she stayed up all night... it should have been pretty chaotic in here.
Then that means...
He rushed to the bed, yanked the blankets, and just stood there. It was just as Keefe thought.
Sophie wasn't there.
"Okay Keefe, think. Are there any clues left over in the room? Any notes?"
He was searching the room when the door got knocked.
Oh man, Keefe thought.
"Sophie?" Grady asked.
"Yeah?" Keefe said in his best Sophie voice.
A few minutes of silence as Keefe held his breath, wondering if Grady would fall for it. He hoped so, because Keefe needed some time to think. And make a reckless plan to find his Foster back.
No such luck.
"Open the door, Keefe! I know you're in there!!!"
Keefe cringed at his dad's last name and reluctantly opened the door, just as Grady started running towards it.
Like the movies, Grady ran straight into Sophie's room and fell flat on his face because he tripped on Ella.
Keefe couldn't help but laugh. Nothing helped better with his stress and worry than a good laugh.
"Where is she?" Grady snarled.
Keefe said," I don't know."
"Are you sure about that?" Grady said suspiciously.
"Come on! Have you no trust in Lord Hunkyhair?"
"Sophie left right?" Ro asked nonchalantly as she appeared next to the door.
"Since when did you come here!" Keefe exclaimed.
"I'll take that as a yes. By the way, why are you still here? I thought you guys were going on a..." Ro stopped since she just spotted Grady.
"Going where?" Grady asked.
"Nothing, nothing," Keefe reassured. To Ro he muttered," We'll talk about this. And no, before you ask, we were not going on a date. At least, not yet with Grady here."
Keefe glanced at Grady, and after a few seconds, they made eye contact. Keefe could see (if he couldn't feel) the worry and concern (along with some suspicion) in Grady's eyes.
And in that moment, Keefe was determined to find Sophie no matter where she was. Not just for himself, but also for Grady.
"I'm coming to find you Foster, Keefe muttered.

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