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And in that moment, Keefe was determined to find Sophie no matter where she was. Not just for himself, but also for Grady.
"I'm coming to find you Foster, Keefe muttered."
Sophie woke up to a grey-eyed girl with blonde hair sitting in front of her.
"Do all recuperating demigods drool when they sleep?" the girl wondered out loud.
"Where am I?" Sophie asked.
"Oh! You're awake?" the girl asked.
"Yeah..." Sophie responded.
"Are you okay? You had some pretty bad cuts," the girl said.
"I think I'm fine, but only my body knows," Sophie replied.
"We were scared to feed you more ambrosia, in case you exploded," the blonde girl said.
"What do you mean, exploded?" Sophie asked.
"If demigods eat to much ambrosia, which is the 'holy' food of the gods, then they explode or burst into flames. If humans eat even a tiny bit though...let's just say they'd be dead in a few minutes," the girl said.
"But... I'm not a demigod, I'm....well, an elf," Sophie said.
"Sorry, what did you say?" the girl asked.
"I'm an elf," Sophie said, this time a bit louder.
"I've heard a lot of people call themselves stuff, but never have I heard the world elf," a kid with blonde hair said. "By the way, I'm Will, the 'doctor' in this camp."
"Camp?" Sophie asked.
"Yup, hasn't Annabeth told you? You're in Camp Half-Blood, or CHB for short," Will said.
"Yeah, the girl who assisted me while you were knocked out for three days? Annabeth, the girl who was talking with you just a few minutes ago?"
"Oh. Sorry," Sophie told the blonde girl - no Annabeth.
"It's fine."
"So... I have to go, a few patients are waiting for me," Will said before disappearing behind the curtain that separated Sophie from the rest of the room.
"I should probably show you around, since you feel better now, right?" Annabeth asked.
"Yeah, I'm feeling better."
"Okay, let's go!"
Annabeth showed her around, and Sophie felt some dèja vu, remembering the time when she had first arrived at the Lost Cities. As for Annabeth however, she seemed distracted by something. Sophie had only met her for a few minutes, but she already wanted to help her. Besides, they had taken care of her for the past few days.
"What's wrong?" Sophie asked.
"Nothing. This is the Armory. Our weapons and armor are all in this," Annabeth said as she patted the wall of the building.
They walked into the building, and Sophie saw rows and rows of weapons and armor. She even saw some throwing stars.
"Which one attracts you the most? Like, which one do you think will suit you?" Annabeth asked.
Sophie jumped, since she had almost forgotten Annabeth was there.
"I-I'm not sure," Sophie stuttered, still suprised at the vast amount of sharp objects that any elf would probably turn pale at.
"What about this?" Annabeth asked, picking up the throwing star that Sophie had seen just seconds before.
"I like the feeling," Sophie said as she held the throwing star in her hand. The star was definitely lighter than the ones back home, but it was also a lot bigger.
"Try throwing it at that dummy over there. It's okay if you miss, we have more in the Armory," Annabeth suggested.
"Sure," Sophie said as she focused on the dummy's head, trying to picture Gethen or Vespera instead.
Sophie looked up and saw she had nailed it right between the eyes, just like she had wanted.
"Woah! You are a natural at this!" Annabeth exclaimed as Sophie went over to retrieve it.
"Thanks, but it's probably beginner's luck," Sophie said.
"I've trained many of people, but only a few were as quick to learn as you," a man said, who had hoofs.
"Um, is he okay?" Sophie asked.
The man (who Sophie later figured out was named Chiron) laughed while Annabeth explained that he was a centaur, half man-half horse.
"That is a bit of an information overload," Sophie said.
"So, if I'm getting it straight, I'm at Camp Half-Blood which is a haven for demigods. And demigods are half god and half human, and I'm one of them," Sophie said.
Strangely, Sophie felt a strong sense of déja vu, which was weird because she had never experienced this before, right?
"Yeah, and as crazy as it sounds you mysteriously fell badly wounded from the sky," Annabeth confirmed.
"Really? How come I don't remember that?" Sophie asked, secretly knowing she had probably teleported.
"You were unconscious, and like I said, badly wounded. You were bleeding," Annabeth said.
Sophie looked like she was about to ask something, but was interrupted by a loud horn.
"Gosh, is it already time for dinner?" Annabeth said. "Let's get going! You don't want to miss out on the good stuff!"
(At the Dining Pavilion)
Sophie and Annabeth arrived just before Chiron announced the news.
"We have a new camper! Please welcome Sophie Foster!"
Everybody clapped, and Sophie wondered if she had really made that big of an entrance when the fell from the sky.
"Hi, I'm Piper! Welcome to CHB!" A girl with brown hair and a feather in hair said.
"Yeah! Welcome to Camp Half-Blood! I'm Jason!" A guy with blonde hair and blue eyes said.
"I'm Leo! Welcome!" A guy with brown hair said.
A girl with light brown hair was standing next to Leo, and was about to introduce herself, until Sophie asked," Is your name Calypso?"
"It is," Calypso said suprised.
"Do you know her?" Leo asked.
"Are you okay?" Annabeth asked.
"Why do you ask?" Sophie questioned.
"Because your face is pale and you are breathing short, small breaths."
"I'm fine," Sophie confirmed.
"You sure? Annabeth is right, you don't look alright," a girl who introduced herself as Hazel said.
"It's just..." Sophie started.
"Yeah?" Jason asked.
"I know all of you guys. And this camp. And everything else here," Sophie said.
"How?" Chiron asked, appearing out of nowhere and scaring Sophie and the other campers.
"I- you guys aren't real," Sophie said.
Piper said,"What do you mean, we aren't real? We are here right?"
"You guys, everybody I met so far, are from..." Sophie said.
"Yeah?" Leo asked.
"You guys are from a book. I know everything that happened from Percy getting claimed to the time you guys saved the world (twice), and more."

Yay! A new chapter!!! Hope you guys like it!!! Thank you for the 600+ reads!
Hope this is a cliffhanger worthy of Shannon Messenger or Rick Riordan...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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