Finding out

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My name is Ben Marchman. I'm an undercover cop, or well, I used to be.
I have been fired 3 years ago because my co-workers found out that I am absolutely obsessed with the darkweb. And that I've stolen multiple things from the places I've been too (places I found on the darkweb of course).

But this isn't about my job. This is about that place. That facility I found out about several months ago.
I heard about it on this "places you probably didn't know that existed" website. I immediately took interest in it because of the amount of money the place received.

To be honest, I was even shocked!
Over a million per year? That's a lot I tell you! So that brought me up an idea.
You see, I was in depth for quite a while now. And sadly, I wasn't able to find a job. I really, really needed money. "So why not heist a secret corporation?" I thought. No, not heist, it was more like a raiding. Because people died, of course.

Don't worry, I've done a raiding before. (It was one of the reasons I got fired from my job) It was hard. But fun. I have a bulletproof suit. Which basically makes me "immortal"! If I'm careful enough with what I do.

So that was what I was gonna do. Get me some money from a place a found on the darkweb, by killing some people who worked there.

Did you know that the place was underground? I had to go through the sewers! And there I was, in the vents of the facility. I had the suit on, my rifle and my notebook. The book was useful for not getting lost. I noted the directions in it so I'd easily found my way back out. I also wore a helmet, so the guards weren't able to blow my head off.

The thing I was the most excited about was what strange acts they preformed there. It could've been anything. Creating war robots, experimenting on strange plants, anything! And I was literally like 15 minutes away of finding out.

I slowly got out the vents, the first thing I saw were shiny white floors. I put my feet on the ground and realized I was in a hospital-like hallway.

Luckily for me, there wasn't anybody. So I didn't have to deal with annoying guards yet.
When I got out the hallway, i noticed a small group of workers in the distance. I hid behind a corner so they wouldn't notice me. My body was shaking from excitement. I couldn't wait to start a gun party.

I couldn't help but notice that the workers were speaking dutch.
Maybe it was some kind of Belgian corporation?
My dutch isn't so good but I was able to understand some things.
Such as "het werkt", which means "it works".
I presumed they were talking about some project they were working on.

Some time passes, I was able to get past them without them seeing me.
And I found myself in what seemed like a small computer room.
Again, there wasn't anybody there. So I scattered through the closets and desks to see I could find some information I needed. I wanted to know where they stored all their money. I just knew they had a safe.

But then, I was greeted with a gun on my back. Uh oh, guess the guards found me.
They were yelling at me in dutch, of course. The only thing I understood is that they told me to drop my weapon.

That's where the fun began. I immediately took hold of my lovely rifle and shot down three guards.
Pow pow pow! Just like that! They were too slow compared to me. They didn't even had time to pull the trigger!

One problem though. Now a whole bunch of guards were after me. So I had to find out were the safe is myself.
I scurried through every hall, peeking through every door. Until I found something very interesting. It wasn't a safe, no, but a bunch of files of different people. I quickly took them with me because I didn't have time to read them.

I continued rushing through the building, but I began getting tired. So I hid myself in a storage room.
Those guards were stupid enough not to find me there!
I decided to quickly go through the files I found. The only thing I saw were pictures of people, information about those people and a lot of other shit that made me think: "why is all of this here?"

Until I got to those pictures. It were pictures of the same people. But they didn't look as good as in the first picture.
You could see them, chained to a wall, bleeding, with swollen parts of their body, bruises every, them being fed a huge amount of meat and a lot more.
Well, what do you expect from an underground secret facility?

So that's what they did. Kidnap people and torture them. But why? I looked closer at the words in the documents to see if I might be able to translate something.
And I noticed that the word "god" was used multiple times.
What? Was the person who wrote all this religious or something? It confused me a whole lot. I also noticed that on most of the pictures had the word "mislukt" stamped on them. "Mislukt" is dutch for "failed".

But what was failed? What did they mean? I really wanted to find out.

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