The Room

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The moment I got out the storage room, that group of guards immediately noticed me!
How stupid, I thought they went the other way. So there i was again, running like an idiot through hallways. And of course I shot some people in the heads. (I felt like it)

Later, something caught my eye. It were stairs. Stairs that went down to some kind of basement.
I, of course, immediately knew where those stairs went. The torture chamber. I just knew it.
So with me being me, I ran down the staircase, right into this ominous what felt like a prison. Also, the thing had multiple rooms! Probably so they could torment different people at the same time. Poor souls.
I usually don't have a heart for people, but I tell you, I actually felt pity for the people that were captured there.

Before I knew, guards came running down the stairs to find me. So I took a run for it. As I ran, I gazed into every room I passed. And oh boy, did I see a lot of chains and blood stains!
But, no people. Were they all dead? Were they set free? Or were they just hiding in another room?
There was literally no one there! (Except for me, a bunch of idiots chasing me and a couple of workers I bumped into, who i killed)

The problem was, I had no idea where I was going. My mind was totally focusing on the torture thing and not the safe anymore. I really wanted to know what all of it meant!

But then, I saw a really big door appearing in the distance. And the guards began yelling even louder.
"Laat hem niet gaan!" I heard from behind me. I think it meant "don't let him go!" If I'm correct.
Maybe the door to the room I was approaching was important. And I wasn't allowed to go in. But that, oh but that raised my curiosity even more.

When I got to the big door, I noticed they left the thing open! Gosh, it was really my lucky day, wasn't it?
It was probably open because the workers were panicking that there was an intruder and they didn't have time to close the door.
Just when I was about to enter, a worker walked out, startling me a bit, so I blew their face off. Me killing off these workers was good. Because, you know, they did some fucked up things.

Then, I quickly entered, closing the door behind me. I wasn't sure if it was locked so I put a bunch of stuff I could find infront of it.

It was very dark. So I began searching for light. But something made me stop. I heard I faint gasping noise in the corner of the room. I couldn't make out what it was since it was so dark. But it sounded like a person.
Did I finally find a torture victim? Maybe I was able to get answers from them. But first, some light.

Within seconds I found the light source from the room. I turned it on and the room was illuminated immediately. Much better!
Then, I had to look at that person. I knew they weren't gonna look that good, but I had to. I wanted answers!

The moment I turned around, my heart raised, not in fear, but in excitement. What I saw was extraordinary. It was a person, indeed, but completely mutilated.
He was curled up in the corner, chained onto the wall with some kind of collar. And had some mouth piece around his head.

I scooted myself closer to him, kneeled down to take a better look. And I locked eyes with him.

The mouth piece was made of metal and completely around his jaw, opening up his lips and revealing his gums and teeth.
The collar, sure was something else.
It was a big ring with four metal poles piercing through his neck. And with that collar, he was chained to the wall.
I had no idea how he was still alive!

His eyes were red and a little swollen. And his left ear was gone.
What really caught my eye was that his body was weirdly canine-shaped.
Like some kind of animal-human hybrid. But mostly human.
So those people have been doing a lot more than just torturing him.

Finally, I began talking to him. I asked him for his name. But he didn't respond. Only soft moans and gasps slipt from between his teeth.
"Do you hear me?" I asked.
He did seem to react when I spoke. Despite him missing an ear.
"Can you understand me?" I guessed he spoke dutch and didn't understand me. Again, no respond.

Until I looked closer and saw his tongue was cut off. Of course he wasn't able to talk. How stupid of me.

He also seemed to be blind, or just have bad eye sight. Because he wouldn't notice whenever I waved my hand infront of him.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here."
I only have to find something to cut that damn chain.

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