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Eventually, I found a saw on the floor. I have no idea how I didn't notice it the last time, but that doesn't matter. I instantly began cutting through the chain. I had to be fast because those guards were desperately trying to get in! He, on the other hand, seemed to notice I was trying to help him. Which was good, because I didn't want him to see me as a threat.

A wide smile spread across my face, because I knew that fun was gonna unleash to moment I would open that door. I still had a lot of ammo left in my rifle. Oh, I could already imagine it. (Me taking a liking in shooting people was also one of the many reasons I got fired.)

Finally, the chain broke. And he immediately began running around the room. He was so bruised but so energetic. Also, I couldn't make out what gender he was supposed to be since he was barely human anymore. But I had a strong feeling that he was male. Judging by the way he acted.

Then, oh then, something beautiful happened. He came right at me, and leaned against my leg like a dog.
I could feel a nice, long shiver crawl down my spine.
That was it. The beginning of our friendship. Next up, I had to take out those guards. I had to protect him at all costs.

I swung open the door, holding my rifle ready. But then, he did something that surprised me.

The moment the doors opened, he jumped onto multiple guards. Attacking them. Ripping them into pieces with his bare hands and teeth. The guards kept shooting at him. But nothing happened. He couldn't die. And he was extremely fast and strong too. That made me even realize more that he clearly wasn't human (anymore).

He took some guards down. And I did so too. As we ran through the halls, trying to find a way out.
I felt like I was floating. I had never been so happy in my life before. It almost felt like I was dancing with him.

Eventually, we killed off everyone we saw. Well, almost everyone.
There was a worker on the ground, bleeding out of his arm.
My companion was about to attack him. But I was just in time to stop him.

"It obeys you" the worker began speaking. Since he was alive and able to speak English. I might be able to get answers from him.

"What is he?" I asked.

"You wanna know so bad? He's a copy. Of god."

God? What the hell is he talking about?

"Copy...of God?"

"Yes. Our boss, who died 12 years ago, saw a vision. He said he saw the lord himself. But he looked like a beast. Later on, he became so obsessed with that vision. That he wanted to recreate what he saw."

I was shocked. This thing I found. Was basically God. I couldn't believe my ears. This is what God looks like? Also, how the hell do you make a copy of God?
I wanted more answers.

"And for that you torture people?"

"Yes! It makes them forget who they were. We drug them, we feed them previous victims, we inject substance G.O.D in them."

I began to understand. That substance? It must've been the reason my little friend was immortal.

"That substance. What does that to you?"

"It....if you inject it in you enough. You basically become almost immortal. You become stronger and faster. You'd be able to heal from wounds instantly.
We've been trying to make a perfect copy of God for the past 20 years. All of the projects failed and failed and failed. Until we got that."

The worker pointed at the so called God. But I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you telling me all of this now? Are you afraid you're gonna get shot?"

"No, I don't care about death. The word just needs to be spread. Everyone needs to know about this. Because if everyone doesn't know: that THING might become so powerful, that it will destroy the world."

That guy must've been stupid. Did he really think I cared? I don't "spread words", I take and never return it.
Did you think I was gonna return my friend to his family? No! I found him so he's mine! He probably doesn't even remember his family anyways!

How would something like him destroy the world though? It seemed impossible to me.

I quickly got tired of the worker's whining and shot him twice in his chest. He was dead instantly. Like I expected. Kinda funny in a way!
People can be so weak.

I couldn't believe it. I befriended a God. (Apparently)

It brought me up an idea. I still needed to give him a name.
And with this "copy of god" thing going on. I decided to name him "Replica". Get it? Because he's a replica of the lord? I'm so good at naming!

I like that name, Replica. It's fun, it's beautiful, it's everything. Replica. It's even fun to write.

Replica Replica Replica Replica Replica Replica Replica Replica Replica!!!!! My Replica, he's mine.
He's so fun, he's so strong, he's so silly, he's so cute!!

I could fix him. I just needed to remove his collar and mouth piece. And then I'll clean him. That's all.

I didn't care about the money, about my depth. Only about him. My god, my lord.

We were so close to going home.

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