Home at Last

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At was about 11 PM when we finally made it home. Both of us were covered in blood and out of breath.
I was happy to see my front door again.

I live in a very small apartment. You know, since I can't afford an actual home. But I'm happy with what I have!

My bed, TV and kitchen are all in the same room. The bathroom is another smaller room. And I have an extra storage room, where I keep my clothes and DVDs.

I opened the door and had to guide Replica in. (Because of his bad vision)
He couldn't stop walking extremely close to me. Almost as if he was attracted to me! Haha I'm only joking! I did like the thought of it.

He seemed confused too. Probably because he hasn't seen a normal house in years or something.
Since he probably spend his whole life in that filthy facility. I decided to free him from all that iron paraphernalia.

I took him to my bathroom and let the water run. I undressed him and tried making him go into the bathtub. He hesitated for a while because the water probably triggered his bruises and wounds.
Also, he was a lot more muscular than I expected.

When he finally got in: I began to look on how to remove that thing around his jaw. Just to realize it was bolted on to his head.
I knew it was gonna hurt a lot for him if I took the bolts out.

I took a bolt removal kit, some bandages and disinfectant. I began taking out the first bolt. I had to keep Replica still for it. He was crying and trying to get away.

After a hard 20 minutes, I finally got out all the bolts. Replica was fed up.
And the bath water was completely red. Pulling off the piece itself was the hardest part.
Replica grunted and cried, I felt pity for him. But he had to deal with it.

I put more and more disinfectant on those awful wounds of his. He just kept bleeding. He tried biting me, but I didn't mind.

After struggling for about 5 minutes, I got the piece of his head and threw it in the trash next to me.

Lots of his skin was just gone, the big wound around his mouth was in the shape of the piece. So it probably had been on his head for a while.

Replica's crying faded, as I drained water of the bath.
He was trying to climb out of the bathtub while I wrapped his wounds with bandages.

Stitching was no use, since there was no skin to stitch.

He stood up, towering over me. He had a constant distant stare. As if he was disconnected from reality. But in some way, he seemed relieved.

We locked eyes. It felt like he was staring into my soul. With his piercing, blue pupils. But that intense stare was comforting, I felt warm.

His hospital like gown was dirty, ripped and blood stained. Disappointingly, I didn't have any clothes in his size.

I analyzed his body, taking a closer look on how muscled he was. But his  body clearly wasn't in a healthy condition.
It was covered in bruises, scratches and bite marks.

I began to fill up the bath again, so I could start cleaning his body. My heart raised since I knew I had to strip his clothes. But for some reason, I really wanted to see him nude. Despite the wounds, I knew his body was beautiful.

Taking off his gown was a lot more simple than I expected. But then I got to his shorts. I took deep breaths because I didn't know what there was gonna be under there. But really, it made me excited.

I swiftly pulled down the shorts and was revealed to, surprisingly, a penis. So my senses were right, he's male! However I couldn't stop staring. It was quite big.

I got scared when I noticed Replica was staring down at me. He tilted his head and slowly caressed my forehead with his finger. "Don't look at me like that, beast." I felt quite bad for calling him a beast, but he didn't seem to understand.

I had been sitting there staring at his rack for over 2 minutes. I've never felt so attracted to something masculine before. He turned me on.
But I had to contain myself. It was too early for such stuff.

I eventually proceeded to rinse the water over him. He didn't enjoy it at all, but he stayed in the bath. I really wanted to know how he got those muscles. Did they make him work out at that facility or something?

I finally got him clean and gave him one of my shirts to wear. It was oversized for him since im quite a big guy and need to wear xxl shirts. He paced around in circles in the main room, drooling onto my floors. But I wasn't gonna deal with it. He also bumped multiple times into the walls and furniture and growled every.

Wasn't he enjoying how cramp my home was? I presumed it stressed him out, but at the moment, I couldn't care any less. I got very tired because of all the cleaning and plopped myself on my bed. I went fast asleep, awaiting a new day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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