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- I messed up! Bill almost cries

- What? Why?

- It was a MCQ with negative points and I was out of time for the essay. He mumbles

- What? Negative points? I didn't see that either, you start to laugh nervously

- How could you miss it guys? It was huge! Anna states. At least you'll be together for the resit exams.

You give her a side-eye, as well as Bill. Then you two look at each other and start laughing, out of nerves.

- At least we didn't skip. You try to see the bright side. Have you seen how many empty seats there were?

- Yes crazy! Bill agrees. Who would skip school in uni?

- You're one to talk! You miss all the lectures! I'm sure our phonetic teacher doesn't know what you look like. You mock him.

- Do any of you have news from the guys? To know if their exams went well? Anna asks.

- Umm no, Gustav told me their exam was an hour longer than ours. They're probably not done yet. You tell her.



- And here is to the end of this fucking semester! Georg shouts, standing on a table with a pint of beer in his hands.

You all laugh and cheer for the holiday break and the end of classes. New semester, new classes, it's like celebrating the end of a school year that lasted 3 months!

- What time do we leave Tuesday? Gustav asks at some point in the night.

You guys decided to leave 2 days after Christmas, so you could rest a bit before driving such a long time.

- We have about 10 hours ride before getting there. I think we should go at 5 or 6 to avoid traffic from the beginning.

- What? Bill overheard your conversation; I don't want to wake up that early.

- C'mon sleepy head! You won't even be the one driving first! And with the good playlist, it's going to be so fast! You assure him.

- Oh my god no... I need to forget about his. He says, grabbing a shot.

You love the way he deals with troubles and join him in a shot contest.

Life is good. You're surrounded by amazing people, you're having fun, exams are over and life is about to bring you some amazing memories.



You're driving Anna to the airport. Georg is driving, you're on the passenger seat and Anna and Tom are on the backseat, cuddling. Well, as far as you can see in the glass, Anna is cuddling and Tom looks a bit annoyed. He's probably car sick. It's going to be fun on your trip! Gustav and Bill stayed home to work on the resit exams. They are both afraid to have failed and worry so much. Poor things.

The radio plays "What is love" and Georg starts to whisper the words.

- Why is the radio playing this? You wonder. It's almost 20 years old!

- 20 is too old for you? Tom laughs at you. We should call the police then!

- Oh shut up!

Everybody in the car laughs at his joke and your reaction.

The chorus starts again and this time, Georg sings the lyrics instead of just moving his mouth. Tom joins him and it's the funniest cover of this song you've ever heard.

- Oh please, never sing again honey, Anna says putting her hand on Tom's mouth to cover it.

- Yes, leave that to Bill, Georg agrees.

- Georg, you're really not one to talk!

After a while of laughing at each other, you finally reach the airport. You accompany her until check-in as you need a boarding pass to go further. She gives her luggage to the steward and comes back to your group before leaving for security.

She gives a long hug to Tom, and he pets her hair. You're kind of jealous, you want someone to pet your hair too. She gives Georg a hug too and then she turns to you.

- I'm so gonna miss you, you tell her.

- Don't worry honey, I'll be back in a week.

You give her a long hug, and she continues talking in your ear.

- Don't have too much fun in France, she whispers

- It won't be fun without you, you chuckle back

She breaks the hug and takes a look at Tom, then at you.

- Keep a look on him, please. She says pretty seriously, I don't want to be cheated on on New Year's Eve, that would suck.

- Count me in, I'll make sure he won't be near any girl at midnight. You wink at her.

You kind of feel guilty. You have not told her about the kiss the other day. It was a protection kiss though, not an "I love you" kiss. It should be all right, right? It's not like he was cheating on her... You're feeling bad now. She wants you to keep him away from women when you are the one he kissed while they were dating. Isn't it a bit hypocritical?

You smile at her and she asks everybody to do a group hug. Georg breaks it first and she looks at you all one final time before going through the gates.

On the way back to your place, nobody was talking. You assumed Georg was focused on driving and Tom processing the fact his girlfriend left.

You dropped Tom at his place and before leaving you agree on where and when to meet on Tuesday.

You say bye and Georg drives you home. It's going to be a busy week. Family dinner, Christmas then packing your suitcase. Time is going to fly!

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