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. (This could have been one long chapter but I've decided to split it in 3 so I can post more when I'm away)



- Turn left now, you indicate to Tom the way to go to your grandparents.

You're on your way to the first step of this holiday season: tell your dad. Your dad is the easiest step. You're not sure he will be overjoyed but he will be the easiest to deal with. You and Tom still haven't figured out how you're supposed to tell someone you're engaged, so you went for the easy way.

Your grandma is a real bitch, yet it's your favourite bitch on Earth! She never admitted she was getting older and still acts like a rebellious teenager stuck in a granny body.

And that's why she welcomed you with these kind words:

- Your skirt should be smaller, I can't see your panties yet! Who's that handsome boy? She made Tom blush!

- Nana, that's Tom.

- Should I bother to memorize his name? She doesn't mean it in a bad way, that's just her way to ask if it's serious.

- I think you should even tattoo it on your arm, you nod your head yes.

- A beautiful man like him, it's not on my arm I'd tattoo. Tom is blushing again.

- Nana! You open your eyes wide.

- What? Can't an old lady make a joke? She winks. The spot is already taken by your grandpa anyway.

- Dad is here yet? You want to forget what she said.

- Yes, he's stealing my pumpkins in the garden.

- Good. Can we come in? I'm freezing! You were still on the doorstep.



- Your grandma is... quite a personage. You're finally alone with Tom in the veranda.

It's time for "Wer weiß denn sowas?" and your grandma refuses to miss an episode. She could be dying but if it's time for her TV show, she'd be in front of the TV. Your grandpa pretends he doesn't like it, yet he is always on his chair and watches too. Your dad is preparing the potatoes for tonight's raclette.

- Why do you think you've never met her before? I love her but gosh only a few hours a year are enough, you whisper just in case she might hear you.

- I still can't believe she said she'd tattoo my name on her ass.

- Her ass? I thought she meant the other side.

- It's worse, he blushes and hides his face.

- I can't believe someone embarrasses you. It's a once in a lifetime event! You laugh.

You are sitting on chairs and your faces are really close. Your foreheads are almost touching but your chins are down (I don't know how to describe it but it's pretty much like A Star is Born (2018) poster).

- 30 centimetres between you! Your grandma shouts from the living room.

- Ouch, she hit you with a paper ball.

- A meter away from my daughter! Your dad shouts from the kitchen.

- Gosh, intimacy doesn't exist under this roof, Tom chuckles nervously.

je t'aimais, je t'aimes et je t'aimeraiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang