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You're breaking rule number 1: "Don't disturb Bill when you don't have any news". It's Saturday night, Tom's favourite day to party. He's probably drunk somewhere in a bar, maybe playing guitar right now, and Bill is somewhere around the corner. That's a typical Saturday night for 2 years now, and you love that routine. What you love a lot less is the absence of a reply to your texts. They're not even on seen! You're away, in a foreign country and your fiancé doesn't even check your messages! What world are you living in? You almost preferred when he was harassing you because you were with Riley...

- Where is he? You directly attack.

- Hello to you too, Bill's voice is covered by music.

Music is one clue, Bill is definitely in a bar, which calms your heart a bit. But does that mean Tom is with him? Logic would say yes but you lost any sense of logic.

- Where is he? You repeat.

- I think he went to the toilet, is it a bit sad Bill knows who you're talking about and is not even surprised you're calling?

Toilets? Toilets?! Toilets to pee or toilets with a groupie? Because that makes a hell lot of a difference. No, reasonability is taking back control over your brain. He is not with another girl; he wouldn't do that to you. Lena, on another hand... She could trap him in the toilets.

- Who with? Stupid question but you have to know.

- Him and the little bird.

- Which little bird? Is that Lena's new nickname?

- His dick, Bill laughs like a drunken person.

- Is Lena there? You're not even sure she's there, you should calm down.

- Lena, Lena, Lena... It's always Lena with you! Even I am tired of it, Bill complains.

- Imagine being me, you roll your eyes.

Bill can't understand. Bill has known Lena for something like 7 years now? It's a lot! They were part of the same friend group, they are still kind of friends, and are getting closer now that she's back in their lives. You could understand why it's exhausting for him, you wouldn't like having any of your friends criticizing another friend 24/7, it would make you uncomfortable. However, you don't understand how can anyone be friends with Lena! She is a witch! Why isn't anybody seeing her little game with Tom? And you're supposed to watch and not fight? Let it be? It's not your fault if Bill is in-between! If he is tired of it, he could just kindly (brutally) ask Lena to get the fuck out of their lives. You asked Tom to do it, but he said it would be too weird as everybody is friends with her, but if the whole group finally opened their eyes, you'd be free of worries!

You're probably the most exhausted one in this story! Tom dares to reproach you for your "relationship" with Riley while he voluntarily hangs out with the bitch. You just can't wait to be over this! To show Lena the ring on your finger, the official certificate that Tom prefers you, loves you! You're very tired of having to watch your back any time your back is turned... Because you thought it was just a coincidence, but your recent discovery just makes it a hundred times harder. Tom plays her game to make you jealous and guilty, and that's very distressing, especially when you're away.

- Can you ask Tom to call me? You just have to talk to him. Hear his voice. Be sure.


je t'aimais, je t'aimes et je t'aimeraiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang