A Sober Thief

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Sampo was now snoring away on my couch, giggling in between breaths. His cheeks didn't seem as flushed as before. Ugh this guy.. at least he seemed to be sobering up.

He'd mumble a few things in his sleep. I didn't think too much of it, as sleep talking was not uncommon. However one thing he said had really caught my attention...

"Guard... damn... guard... pretty.. deals.. 75% off..."

What was this guy on?

Just as I thought he couldn't get any louder, he had to wake up. Right when it was getting quiet too.

He looked around the room as if in a daze..

"You're finally awake."

I say, bluntly.

"Where.. why... ah! G-Gepard! How wonderful to see you!"

He said with a shaky voice. Being honest, I would've been shaky and scared if I was a thief that woke up in the house of a Silvermane Guard. I tried to explain to him that I wasn't going to arrest him or anything. I only let it slide because he hasn't been causing too much trouble recently.

After I explained he hummed in understanding. Then he was back to his goofy self.

"Well then! Sampo Koski thanks you for your service!"

He tried to laugh it off. But I knew he was grateful. I just did.

He looked so confused and vulnerable. It was a new sight. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up.

Suddenly he had this super serious look on his face which was definitely a new sight to see. It looked so wrong, but so hot at the same time? No, no! What am I thinking?!

"How can I repay you, Gepard?"

I stuttered. I was unprepared for that super serious face of his.

"You could... Uhm... I... uh..."

"I know! How about I make you dinner?"

He said. I was about to object yet his hopeful eyes staring at me just...


I said, trying to sound pissed.

Authors Note:
I'm hungry now

The Thief and The Guard (Sampo x Gepard)Where stories live. Discover now