Chapter 3

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I froze, "Love?" I repeated the word that gives me a sour taste in my tounge, "I believe that information is not affirmative, do you mind explaining so?"

Hidan brushed off and looked at Shark Boy, "Kisame, she's going to need you to explain." Hidan leaned back after he spoke.

"Innocent child." He scowled, "I suggest you get his attention, break his heart."

"What is he? A ladies-man or--"

Kisame laughed, "He is cold as ice, if anyone could break that barrier it could be only you!"

All the other guys looked at him and some even gave him the stink eye.

"I shouldn't have said that." Kisame said as a whisper but somehow I heard it.

"What do you mean it could only be me?" I asked.

Everyone sat in silence until Pein spoke after he cleared his throat, "We believe you are the only one with the ability to manipulate him in such a way, if you find this manipulating-thing unnecessary, you may just go on with the main plan of paralyzing, once you do that, Deidara would take care of it."

"But if I am to fall in love with him and put him in urgent danger, wouldn't that make me hurt as well? Thus, I have never felt that feeling.." I trailed off.

I spoke of feelings.


Fatal mistake.

"Hurt you?" Hidan laughed, "That doesn't happen to you, nothing hurts your feelings."

Tobi spoke for the first time today, "If it is hard for you to understand the mission we will help you understand."

I know what he meant, it means another reset, to plant the anger for the mission and the thirst for blood, it's not my first time but it hurts so bad.

"We believe another one would do before we do the mission." Kisame said, "Just to make you more focused or not distracted, and you'll do it a lot quicker."

"If I do not want to manipulate him to fall in love with me, can I just do the main act and then return?" I asked shortly, looking at all of them intensely.

"Yes, you may." Sasori said.

I grabbed the files and the mask to clutch it tighter to me, "When will I be leaving for Suna?"

"You are not." Hidan said.

"Then wha--" I was cut off before I could continue.

"Have you ever been to Suna?" Hidan asked.

"I don't remember, but I have seen it sometimes in my head." Actually I do remember, whenever I finish every single mission, they would always remove the memory of the routes going to Suna, of how to find it. But they never did the same for Konoha or the other villages. They said it was for safety reasons.

"You must obey us, this is for a secure and easier way for you to get to the Kazekage. If you fail once, we will still let you continue, this one isn't a one time mission, you can try several times only if it succeeded." Hidan explains.

"What about all of you? Are you hunting the nine-tails as well?" I asked.

"Yes, that is why we need you on this one, we believe we can make the Kazekage....." Kisame trailed off as he raised his eyebrows, "Smitten."

The room was filled with groans and even Deidara rolled his eyes, "Get to the point Shark-boy."

"We will deliver you inside, after the reset, you will have your rest and dinner time, and then at dawn we will put you in Suna." Kisame said.

"So I won't be conscious during the process of going there?" I asked.

Deidara shook his head, "It is for the best, trust it on us."

I blinked, "Of course."

"We believe this is done now?" Tobi said.

"Yes, I believe so. Because, I need my food." Kisame said as he stood up and walked out and some of the others stood up and walked away from the room.

I opened my files once more and to see the job title as Kazekage, I opened page two to see things more clearly, I didn't read this previously but it has caught my eye just now, this Kazekage's ability is,


"Argh." I stood up in my pain and threw the files on the desk, as everything turned into a blur with a massive head-ache, I could see Deidara and Sasori coming towards me.

"What is she doing?" Sasori asked.

"This isn't good but at the time like this especially, she have to start the mission soon!" Deidara said as he tried to hold me but I flinched back towards the wall.

I hold my head as I hissed until flashes of white came into my vision, "Stop it." I sighed. But it wouldn't stop instead the white flashes turned into pure brightness.

I could hear Sasori and Deidara's voice but I couldn't manage it, I could see something, a flash of something and then to turn out it was the little red headed boy from my dreams, holding a teddy bear.

The brightness soon turned into a view of a small house, the boy walked down towards where I am standing and held out his teddy bear to me, I looked slightly up, I think this little boy was older than me by one age difference, I could not recall.

I was shocked by the voice that came out from the little boy, every vision was supposed to be mute.

"For you." He said, "It is pretty dusty, but this shall do it."

I felt my hand go and grab it, "You shouldn't have, thank you."

"Happy Birthday." He smiled.

And then I felt my knees go weak and everything blurs into the vision of the meeting room, and now I could feel myself sitting down against the wall, and both Sasori and Deidara standing in front of me, everything was still a blur when I tried to open my eyes several times.

"What the hell did she read to trigger that?!" Sasori said in a loud tone as he opened the files and stopped as he turned the first page, "Look." He threw the files to Deidara.

Deidara read it closely and muttered, "Sand.." Deidara closed the files and threw to the table, "Who the fuck wrote it there?!"

"We should ask the others. This clearly isn't good." Sasori replied.

I tried opening my mouth to speak but ended up letting out a shaky breath, "I-I..." I trailed off, my head spinning, something about this mission doesn't feel right, "I heard a voice."

"What voice? Who is it coming from?!" Deidara shouted at the this time.

A flash of a red headed boy smiling at me came to my mind, "The red headed boy who can control sand."

Deidara came to grab my hand I tried to flinch, it was where the red headed boy used to touch me and it hurts, "Please let me go! Don't touch my hand!" I shouted until my eyes went to a darker shade and I made him let go of my hand.

"I do not want to hurt you." Deidara said, "But you crossed the protocol." And then he nodded at Sasori behind me and then I felt a sting from below my neck that connects to my back and suddenly,

I shut off.

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