Writing on the wall

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Arsenal have been on top form for the past four games as they have beaten two of their rivals being Tottenham and Chelsea, the Spurs game was a hard game for Elizabeth as she scored her first hat-trick in the WSL for Arsenal the spurs game also mean that elizabeth got to meet up with her two ex- housemates Chloe and Kait whom she hadn't been able to seen since before she left for the world cup three months ago as she'd been so busy with the commitments that come with winning the World Cup and then joining Arsenal,

In the past few months since they've started playing together Alessia and Elizabeth have become closer as friends with each other and with Leah Williamson, Lia Waelti and Katie McCabe they do everything together, when they have free time all they do is make Tik Toks together and post insta stories together, all of the fans ship Alessia with Leah, but that's mainly because Leah is shipped with everyone she is seen with, at games they train in a group, Elizabeth's feelings for Alessia has grown the only way she expresses her feelings is through songs that she writes but no one hears them that's until one day it was a rest day, Alessia had a photoshoot so Elizabeth was home all day which she spent writing songs, an important piece of information for this next part of the story, because they are such close friends Leah and Elizabeth have spare keys to each other's apartment that they regularly use on rest days, on this particular rest day while Alessia was gone Elizabeth was writing songs in the kitchen writing songs she was middle of writing a new song when Leah walked into the kitchen to her singing

Elizabeth: " I believe that fate has brought us here and we should be together but we're not, I play it off but I'm dreaming of you, I'll keep my cool but I'm failing, tho I try to hide its clear my world crumbles when you're not near"
Leah: *scares the living daylights out of Elizabeth* who are you dreaming of ?
Elizabeth: Jeeez Leah don't do that and I'm not dreaming of anyone
Leah: oh shush how long have I known you Liz you only write songs about people, let me hear the song and I'll figure it out
Elizabeth: fine

Elizabeth starts playing the song to Leah whilst she's she playing alessia comes home and walks into the room where Leah and Elizabeth are but it's not until Elizabeth's on the flast chorus that she looks up and sees alessia that's when she gets scared again

Elizabeth: what is it with ye two always scaring absolute crap outta me when I'm singing
Alessia: hahaha what are the two of you doing?
Leah: I caught Elizabeth writing a song so I'm getting her to play the song to let me guess who it's about, which I think I have an idea about but I'm not 1000% sure
Elizabeth: why do you always have to be 1000% right
Leah: have to be sure always,

After they all hang out Leah leaves cause she's going to see her grandma leaving alessia and Elizabeth's apartment
About 5 minutes after Leah left Elizabeth gets a text from her saying
"I'm 1000% that song is about Alessia"
Elizabeth didn't know what to reply so she just replied
"no it's not ur 1000% wrong"

Skip ahead to December

A lot has happened since the day Elizabeth Sang the songs to leah, leah got injured for two months and Alessia has gotten closer to Elizabeth they weren't together but they both like each other while they were at an England camp in Spain, doing media and interviews one of the videos Alessia and Ella were doing an interview about how well they know each other, whilst they're doing this Elizabeth was out on a walk with Leah and Beth, whilst they were on their walking all Elizabeth can think of her recent performance in the last game they had just played against Switzerland, it was one of her worst games and people keep telling her that, the hate she has been getting over these past few months because of the number she has at arsenal and always being compared to Jordan,

After a while Elizabeth tried to just keep her mind off it by songwriting about how she feels about alessia, whilst they were on the walk Beth noticed Elizabeth was on her phone for the past 10 minutes

Beth: oooo whatcha writing
Elizabeth: *doesn't hear beth because she's so into thinking of lyrics on her phone *

Beth and Leah try for five minutes to try talk to her but still she doesn't answer that's until Leah grabs her phone and sees all of the lyrics

Leah: omg are these for alessia these are amazing, liz you need to tell her how you feel,
Elizabeth: i can't le she's straight plus even if she wasn't why would she like me back I'm a failure, who's not the amazing woman that is Jordan nobbs, why would alessia like me. *runs off*

Leah and Beth just look at each other and start running after her but they lose her so they head back to the hotel to see if she was there, they can't call her either as Leah still has Elizabeth's phone

A few hours later,

Leah and Beth searched for Elizabeth, they were about go to a member of staff when they saw alessia and Elizabeth walking towards them

Leah: Bennett where the heck were you?
Elizabeth: sorry Williamson for worrying you and mead, I ran to get upset without any of you seeing me, oh Williamson can I have my phone back.
Leah: oh yeah Bennett here,

Elizabeth, Leah, Alessia, and Beth all went to have dinner together, and while Alessia was in the bathroom, Elizabeth started telling beth and Leah her plan she wants help with telling alessia that she likes her, as she thought about it whilst she was by herself,

Elizabeth: I want to tell Alessia I like her, I wrote her a new song, I want to do it tonight I need you guys help, I'm going to .....
Leah and Beth: Bennett of course we'll help you
Elizabeth: you didn't even hear my plan
Beth: yeah we don't need to we can do what ever

Elizabeth tells them the plan so she runs off and grabs everything she needs from the room,
When Alessia returned she was met with Leah and Beth

Leah : it's such a clear night out side do you wanna go for a walk outside
Alessia: yes I'd love to

When they start walking out and start talking about everything in camp, they're walking and hear music in the distance

Elizabeth:*playing guitar in front of Alessia whilst Beth and Leah are behind Alessia getting things *
I want to write you song, one as beautiful as you are sweet, with just a hint of pain for the feeling that I get when you are gone, I wanna write you a song,

I want to lend you my coat, *Beth hands Alessia Elizabeth's number 8 Arsenal jacket and Alessia puts it on * one that's as soft as your cheek so when the world is cold you will have a hiding place you can go,
I wanna lend you my coat

Everything I need I get from from you, and giving backs all I wanna do,

I wanna build you a boat *Leah hands Alessia a paper boat Elizabeth has made* one as strong as you are free,
so anytime you think your heart it will float I wanna build you a boat

Everything I need I get from from you, and giving backs all I wanna do,
Everything I need I get from from you, and giving backs all I wanna do,

I want to write you song,
one to make your heart your remember me so any time I'm gone you can listen to my voice and sing along

I wanna write you a song
I wanna write you a song

Elizabeth: Alessia Mia Teresa Russo, ever since we made eye contact in Australia whilst I was singing, you're one of my best friends and I can't hide the fact anymore I'm in love with you and I know I'm going to mess up our friendship by saying that but seeing you makes my heart melt, I feel like an idiot whose just professed their love for someone who..... *before Elizabeth can finish her sentence Alessia comes over and kisses her to shut her up after they kiss Beth and Leah celebrate*

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