Summer part one.

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Elizabeth's anxiety has been on an all-time high since her post about all of the pictures as everyone had an opinion about it her twitter feed was full of people who call themselves fans were spreading hate and misinformation about Alessia and Elizabeth's relationship they were saying things like

"OMG have Alessia and Elizabeth broke up I bet you it's because Elizabeth cheated on Alessia with Leah"

"Elizabeth seems to always be the problem she has all of the hottest women that women's football has yet she can't keep them what is her problem "

Elizabeth was seeing all of this hate whilst also getting hate for being injured, she has reacted like she always does keeps everything inside and doesn't tell anyone what's happening,

Her rehab for her ankle is the only thing that is keeping her from going down a rabbit hole again which is good for Elizabeth she needs something to get out of her own thoughts and her mind is focused on getting her ankle back to what it was,

Also in the back of her mind is a voice telling her that she's not sure if Arsenal is the place for her right now especially since Alessia and Emilia had made themselves public within the group so now anytime Elizabeth sees her teammates, Emilia and Alessia are all over each other, Leah, Lia, Beth, Viv and Chloe give Emilia and Alessia the cold shoulder when they were in any group events whilst they were team bonding events

Elizabeth doesn't know what she wants to do cause she always thought Arsenal was her lifelong home but now she wants to be anywhere else, she also doesn't know if football is her passion anymore, everything she has ever wanted she currently has, the club, the trophies she has won, her friends, she's at the point where she doesn't know how can she feel fulfilled with everything in her career,

One day whilst in the gym Elizabeth was doing extra rehab for ankle because it was a bad day mentally and whenever it's a bad day, everyone else was gone away for off season be it to the Olympics or just on holiday, Leah and Lia went on a best friend trip they had booked before Elizabeth was injured , so it was just Elizabeth and a few of the other girls who were also nursing an injury but on a later stage to Elizabeth,

Katie was finishing up with media at the same time Elizabeth was finished,

Katie caught Elizabeth just as she was about to book a taxi on her phone.

KMC: oi benny do you need a lift home, I'm heading to the airport but your house is on the way so I can bring you.

EB: sure, Macca only if it's on your way *follows Katie*

KMC: yeah, I am I'm flying from Luton, so St Albans is on the way

*In the car*

EB: where you flying off to?

KMC: going to see the family back in Dublin then bringing my little sister to Paris for the Olympics

EB: Awhhh that'll be a nice experience for her

KMC: yeah, I actually cannot wait.

The pair chat until they get to Elizabeth's new apartment.

KMC: I've just realised I've never actually been to your new apartment.

EB: yeah, I've literally just moved in after the UWCL final a few weeks ago, when everyone is back from various things their doing, I'll have everyone over for a pre-season party

KMC: I will hold you to that benny.

EB: oh, Macca I know you will, have a fun time with your family

Katie then drove off heading to Luton Airport, whilst Elizabeth headed into her new apartment that was so new that she hadn't fully unpacked all of the rooms in the flat, she loved her old flat but she couldn't live there anymore because she knew it would just remind her of Alessia plus Alessia still lived there and even though she was hurt she still cared for her,

For the rest of the evening Elizabeth spent the evening scrolling on Instagram seeing all her teammates on holiday and doing other things, one post in particular totally side swiped Elizabeth,

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