The Champions League Final

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Elizabeth knew nothing of Alessia and Emilias night together, so she didn't know why Leah was so adamant that Alessia doesn't see her,

Leah has kept Elizabeth busy with media work and other stuff like sightseeing,

That is until the game,

It's an hour before the match their in the changing room when Leah got called to have a meeting with Jonas, so Elizabeth got to see her girlfriend whom she loves so much and in Elizabeth's eyes couldn't do anything wrong or hurt her in anyway, unfortunately in a few hours Elizabeth's feelings towards Alessia will change drastically

When Leah came back it was time to head out for the game,

The line-up was

14. S D'Angelo
6. L Williamson ©
2. E Spence
16. N Maritz 
12. F L.Maanum
13. L Walti
7. S Catley
8. E Bennett
29. C Jacobs
23. A Russo


M Zinsberger
K Little
S Blackstenius
B Mead
V Miedema
J Beattie
K Kuhl 

The game started it was pretty 50/50 until Bonmati placed a perfect ball into the box with Alexia slotting it past D'Angelo to make it 1-0 to Barca femeni with the Gunners trailing at the 35th minute with 10 minutes to go until half time those nine minutes were stressful for Arsenal fans as Barca had two more chances but Arsenal fans were off their feet at the last moment of the first half when Arsenal got a corner,

Steph walked over to the the corner flag, in the middle every barca player was around they're own box where Leah was being marked by Mapi, Lizzie was being marked by Alexia, Chloe was being marked by Lucy, Alessia wasn't being marked so she was free in the box but when the ball came it hit off Leah's head right past Panos into the top corner,

The captain has made the sides level going in at half time,
Leah was clearly ignoring Alessia and Emilia as when the ball went in and everyone celebrated Leah hugged everyone except them it was very clear to Elizabeth that something was going on but she was in focus mode that she said she'd ask them afterwards,

The second half started like the first half that both teams had a few chances, the Catalonians had the closest chance with Emilia clearing it of the line, the game clenching goal didn't come until the 87th minute when Chloe is running up the right of the pitch, with waiting on a pass in the box, Chloe crosses the ball into the where Elizabeth is running to but as she is running she feels a pressure at the side  of her ankle which caused her ankle to go flat on the ground, it caused a lot of pain so she had to go down ,

The challenge happened just on the line surrounding the box, so they had to go to VAR to see if it's a free kick, in the meantime Elizabeth was still on the ground in an immense amount of pain, Alessia and Leah didn't leave her side, there was a point where Emilia tried to pull both of them away so that Elizabeth would be alone, but the pair wouldn't have it,

Leah got mad at what Emilia had just done and went over to her,

LW: Oi, spence what is your problem,

ES: You are wasting precious time for us to score the winner.

LW: Are you serious right now? your teammate is lying on the ground with a major injury and all you're thinking about is winning a game, Are you even an Arsenal player ? because Arsenal is a family and one of your family is in immense pain, also less than a year ago, Elizabeth was one of your family or that you wanted to make her your family, well that's what you told me so seriously cop the hell on !!

Leah walks back to where Elizabeth is getting prepped to be stretched off whilst the referee has come back from the VAR check to say it was penalty kick for the gunners and Barca's La capitana Alexia who almost snapped Elizabeth's ankle was given a red, but whilst the ref was checking VAR and deciding,

Alexia went over and apologised to Elizabeth as the tackle was an accident and she said she hopes lizzie will be okay,

Alexia also felt so bad for injuring Elizabeth that she knew was getting a red card that she walked with Elizabeth off the pitch to make sure she was okay, Beth Mead came on for Elizabeth,

There was still a penalty to be taken, Mead who just came on the pressure fell to her as Arsenal's usual penalty just had to be stretched off

Mead stepped up to the spot and with the Barca fans behind the goal trying to put her off but all that was in her head was one of her best friends, so that's why when she put it top corner she ran over to corner kissed the Arsenal badge and held up eight fingers, when everyone joined her they all made the heart shape with their hands in honour of their "family" member who should be here

They're wasn't much time left after the penalty so Arsenal had won the champions league for the second time ever in their history, while they were celebrating, Leah and Alessia ran in to see where Elizabeth was but they were told she was gone to the hospital and that Alexia went with her,

Leah had an idea so she ran into the dressing room and grabbed Elizabeth's spare jersey, took off her own and but Lizzies on with the number facing frontwards, 

When Leah came out of the dressing room, she was met with Emilia and Alessia in a hug with Alessia crying and Emilia consoling her

LW: what are you two a couple now? I bet you Elizabeth would be thrilled to see this her current girlfriend being consoled by her ex girlfriend, also Alessia I cannot believe you would run back to her after you just spent 10 minutes by your "girlfriend" side as she was facing an injury that may impact the rest of her career,  Alessia you deserve an Oscar for that performance out there it seems like you were genuinely concerned for her

AR: What the actual f*ck Leah I was actually concerned for her, why do you think I was crying huh, also f*ck you, why do you care so much about Elizabeth, you're acting like she's your girlfriend, when she's barely your best friend, Leah the whole world knows that number 21 for Barcelona is your best friend, also what you've known her for a mere five minutes I've know Elizabeth since we were seventeen, I know her so much better than you, *Alessia looks down at what Leah's wearing* omg I know why you care for Elizabeth it's because of the number she wears it's because of Jordan, you have a thing for the people who wear the number 8 for Arsenal 

LW: HOW DARE YOU, Alessia honestly who the hell do you think you are ?, also if you know her so well you know how much you sleeping with Emilia three days before the biggest game of her life would effect her, I honestly think she would've gotten over you sleeping with anyone else in the world but no you slept with the one person who ripped her out publicly and didn't even have the decency to talk to her, Alessia I'm going to give you a chance to be a good person and let you talk to her but I'm giving you until we go back to London tomorrow, if you don't I will tell her everything, one last thing I don't give a shit what number someone wears it's all about the person, and Elizabeth surely deserves someone ten times better than the two of you who are no better than each other, *Leah walks back out down the tunnel where she is greeted with a roar for the jersey she is wearing not before she quickly turns her head to see Alessia being once again comforted by Emilia,  Leah shouts them up for the trophy lift*

As Leah was lifting the trophy with "Bennett 8" facing out she smiled as she was proud of what her family had just accomplished even though the minute she passed the trophy onto Kim, Katie and Lia, the thought of the conversation she just had and the conversation she was about to have with Elizabeth even if Alessia does tell her Elizabeth is going to need support around her especially during the summer thankfully there wasn't any tournament so all Elizabeth could focus on was her injury how severe it may of been with was unknown to ,each at this time , after the team did a lap around the pitch and took pictures with fans, she also had a few interviews with newspapers and broadcasters back home,

One thing everyone knew was that no matter what they had each other especially in the next few months they all needed each other at some point......

Authors note - I think that was one of my longest chapters so far, what do we think about Alessia and Emilia see you in the next chapter :)

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