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Elizabeth has ignored everyone due to the fact she was nervous about her injury and they kept asking her about it but she didn't want to tell them, Elizabeth had also booked a hotel room for the next few days to get her head together, She had booked the hotel room because she had nowhere else to go as she didnt want to go to her flat that she shared with Alessia,

Elizabeth stayed there unless she had to go out like she had to the surgeon, he had told her the surgery was two days after she went to see him.

People were starting to get worried about Elizabeth as none of them had seen her since they got back from Bilbao,

This was a very nerve wracking two days for Elizabeth as she was about to have the operation that was going to make or break the rest of her career as a footballer, because if anything goes wrong it would mean that she would never play football again, this truly scared Elizabeth cause she didn't know what else she would do if she didn't have football, football was /is her life there was nothing else that brought her as much joy in life then putting on a football jersey and playing for the badge on the front, now that joy was potentially about to be pulled out from underneath her.

The two days went so slowly as it was just Elizabeth alone with her thoughts (as she has turned her phone off), that is until it 6pm the night before, Elizabeth heard a knock on the door she wasn't expecting anyone so she grabbed her crutches and hobbled over to the door to open it, when she opened it she was greeted with Leah whom had a bag with her. Elizabeth was shocked to see her arsenal captain standing there,

LW: May I come in?

Elizabeth who was still shocked to see that Leah had found her, let in the blonde woman, when Leah walked into the room the injured women hobbled back to her bed where she was sitting before she had opened the door, Leah walks to the chair at the table

LW: look I'm not here to lecture you or have a go at you, I just want to tell you that you don't have to go through this alone

Elizabeth doesn't answer so the pair sit in silence until Leah hears Elizabeth crying so she goes over to the upset girl and pulls the girl into her chest

LW: let it out liz let it out

Elizabeth lets out the two days of pain she has had held in since she got to the hotel

EB: I'm really scared Le, what if something goes wrong and I never play football again, what if I'm not strong enough to make a proper recovery, what if I never get back to the way I was, what if I disappoint everyone if I do make a comeback, I don't want to disappoint anyone,especially you, Leah you are the reason I kept playing football I was about to give up but then you being you made me realise I wanted to get a chance to play with you, and I just don't want to disappoint you

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