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As Haerin walked down in the hallway towards her locker, Haerin's mind was focused on the tasks she needed to complete before the end of the school day. She was lost in her thoughts, putting her books into her locker after her class.

Suddenly, she felt a jolt as she was bumped from behind. Her books went flying out of her hands and scattered all over the hallway floor. Haerin turned around to see the person she avoided  the most, Minji, smirking at her.

"Oops, my bad," Minji said with a sarcastic tone, as she walked away without a second thought.

Haerin felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she bent down to collect her books. It wasn't the first time Minji had bumped into her or made fun of her in front of others. Haerin had been bullied by Minji for years, but she had learned to keep her head down and avoid any confrontation.

As Haerin struggled to gather her belongings, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see her classmate and friend, Danielle, kneeling down beside her.

"Are you okay?" Danielle asked, concern etched on her face. Haerin managed a small nod and a grateful smile, knowing that Danielle was one of the few people who genuinely cared about her well-being. Together, they gathered up the books, and Danielle helped Haerin put them back in her locker

As Haerin and Danielle were organizing the books, Minji's gaze lingered on them from a distance. She couldn't help but notice the genuine care Danielle showed towards Haerin. Deep down, a mix of emotions brewed within Minji, including jealousy towards the bond shared between Haerin and Danielle. Haerin's quiet determination and Danielle's unwavering support made Minji question her own choices.

Keeping her emotions hidden, Minji approached Haerin and Danielle with a cold but composed expression on her face. "Haerin, pick up your books next time," she said, her voice laced with a hint of superiority.

Haerin's eyes narrowed slightly, but she remained silent, refusing to engage in Minji's taunting. Danielle, however, wasn't one to stay silent in the face of Minji's coldness.

"Haerin, let's leave," Danielle said firmly, extending a supportive hand towards Haerin. "We don't need to waste our time on someone who can't appreciate genuine friendship."

Minji watched as Danielle and Haerin walked away, a pang of envy flickering within her. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards Danielle's ability to show kindness and support, something Minji struggle with.

Haerin sat quietly with her friends at their usual table in the bustling cafeteria. The noise level was high, as usual, with dozens of students chattering and laughing over their meals. Despite the chaos, Haerin maintained her calm and composed demeanor, her lowkey presence in stark contrast to the lively surroundings.

"Ugh, I can't believe how much work we have due this week," Hyein said, sighing heavily.

"I know, right?" Hanni chimed in, her voice carrying a hint of frustration. She pushed her salad around her plate, lost in her own thoughts.

Danielle let out a groan, capturing Haerin's attention. "I have a research project and a math assignment due by Thursday. And I haven't even started on either of them yet."

Danielle turned to Haerin, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Could you maybe take a look at my philosophy paper? I'm stuck on the last paragraph."

Haerin's reserved demeanor melted away as she eagerly nodded. "Of course, I'd be happy to help. I'll do my best to provide some suggestions."

As Danielle handed her laptop to Haerin, the introverted student carefully read through the paper. Her keen eye for detail and thoughtful analysis allowed her to offer valuable insights. She found her voice, confidently sharing her suggestions for improving the conclusion.

"Thank you, Haerin. I appreciate your perspective," Danielle said, genuine gratitude in her voice.

A blush crept up Haerin's cheeks, her lowkey nature causing her to downplay her contribution. "It was nothing, really. I'm glad I could assist."

The group fell into a comfortable silence as they resumed their focus on their assignments. Haerin, though still reserved, felt a sense of belonging among her friends. As the soft-spoken observer of the group, she found solace in being there for her friends when they needed support.

As they finished their lunch, Haerin felt a quiet sense of satisfaction. Despite her introversion and shyness, she had made a difference, however small, in helping her friends navigate the overwhelming workload. In her own subtle way, Haerin contributed to the bond that held their group together, reminding them that even in their busiest and most challenging times, they could rely on each other for guidance and support.

To be continued

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