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A day had passed since the awkward encounter between Minji and Haerin. Minji was still not herself; her friends Wonyoung and Karina were growing concerned as she walked frantically back and forth around her room.

"Girl, stop that," Wonyoung exclaimed, mimicking Minji's actions. "What should I do now? We have an interview project due next Thursday, and tomorrow we need to interview Heeseung. But I can't face Haerin right now because of embarrassment," Minji said, panicking.

"Well, it's not our situation. Go find a solution. It's your time to shine, Minji. You're on your own now. Go find a solution for your problem," Karina said, being a supportive friend.

"Shut up, Rin! You two are so hopeless. Leave my house right now!" Minji yelled at the two while pointing at the door of her room.

"Well, not your house, actually. But it's time to leave before you go mad again. Bye," Karina said, blowing a kiss to Minji before leaving.

"Bye," Wonyoung said, not interested in talking anymore, and left.


"Jungwon," I barged into Jungwon's room as I called him, and there he was, doing his own thing. "Hmm," he hummed in reply. "Could you please lend me a few minutes? I need your help," I said.

"Yeah, what is it?" He asked, leaving his computer and putting his headphones down. "Tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to interview Heeseung. Now, what are the common questions to ask a basketball player?" I inquired.

Jungwon looked thoughtful for a moment before responding, "Well, you might want to ask about his training routine, favorite basketball moments, and any challenges he has faced in his career. Oh, and don't forget to inquire about his role models in the basketball world."

I nodded, appreciating Jungwon's input. "Thanks, Jungwon. I just hope Minji can gather herself before tomorrow. We had another awkward moment again, and I don't want it affecting our project."

"She asked you out, right?" Jungwon said, startling me, but I kept my composure. "Well, yeah, actually. How did you know that?" I asked him, confused.

"Just a guess," he replied, knowing that someone did tell him, but I let it pass. "Do you even know what is behind the pranks and bullying she does to you? Have you ever wondered why I was never there when she is teasing you?" Jungwon asked, one question after another.

"We are not in the same year and course; that's why. As for the bullying and pranks, I don't know, maybe she just wants it for fun," I replied in a normal tone.

"She wants you," he replied suddenly, and this time, I got goosebumps.

'Minji, what does Kim Minji want from me?' I thought.

"She wants your attention," he replied again, looking at me playfully.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him, still not believing him.

"Go find it out yourself; I need to go back to the game," he said, going back to his computer.

'I don't like his behavior nowadays' I thought before going back to my room.

The next day.

Haerin was walking to the basketball club for the interview when suddenly she bumped into Minji, who was completely avoiding her. "Sorry," Minji said in a low tone and ran away. "Wait Minji," Haerin yelled at Minji, but Minji just kept running. 'What is wrong with her, is she not going to help me in the interview?' she questioned. After that, she just walked towards the basketball club and find Heeseung.

"Oh hey Heeseung," luckily she saw Heeseung by the door. "Hey Haerin, how you doing?" He asked, starting a conversation. "I'm fine, are you ready for the interview?" Haerin asked him. "More than ready boss, but can you please wait for a bit I'm just gonna change my shirt because of how sweaty I am, you know haha you might don't like the smell of someone saeaty," he replied in a awkward laugh.

Haerin just nodded and waited for a few minutes before Heeseung came out and for her to start the interview. The interview was full of laughter because of Heeseung's humor, and there was Haerin completely enjoying it.

In the middle of their laughs, there was someone (Minji) watching them with rage and jealousy, an expression anyone wouldn't want to receive.

Minji couldn't shake off the feeling of regret and jealousy as she watched Haerin and Heeseung share laughter during the interview. The internal turmoil intensified, and she decided she couldn't let this continue without addressing the issue.

After the interview, Haerin noticed Minji standing at a distance, wearing a conflicted expression. She excused herself from Heeseung and approached Minji. "Minji, we need to talk," Haerin said with a determined tone.

Minji hesitated but nodded. They found a quieter spot away from the basketball court. "What's going on, Minji? Why are you avoiding me?" Haerin asked, concerned.

"Haerin, I... I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't mean for things to get so awkward between us," Minji admitted, avoiding eye contact.

Haerin sighed, "It's not just about that, Minji. I want to understand what's going on with you. Why are you acting this way?"

Minji, not wanting to make the situation more awkward, found an excuse, "The project. I wanted to tell you; I'll present our interview to the class. It's the least I can do."

Haerin's eyebrows furrowed in surprise. "Why? We agreed to work on it together."

"I know, but I want to take responsibility for what I said. I'll handle the presentation, and you can focus on other aspects," Minji explained.

She studied me for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Fine, but make it good. This project matters to both of us."

"Minji, about what you said..." Haerin
, her voice gentle.

Minji held her breath, awaiting her response.

"...let's take things slow. I need time to figure things out," she admitted.

A sense of hope blossomed within Minji. "I understand, Haerin. We have time."


'Fck, I shouldn't have brought that up,' Haerin thought as the situation became awkward.

It was only broken when Jungwon suddenly passed by and said, "Haerin, your ears are red," and left as if he didn't say anything. And there again, Minji was nowhere to be found because of embarrassment.

'She teleported somewhere again,' Haerin thought.

To be continued..

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