Gary Harris: bonding with the baby

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Note: Michael Porter Jr and Jarred Vanderbilt will appear in this chapter.

Meanwhile at the hospital in Fishers,

Gary was laying in bed as his father came to him and asked how he was feeling.

Mr. Harris: Hi Gary.

Gary Harris: Hey dad.

Mr. Harris: How are you feeling?

Gary Harris: Oh God, tired.

Mr. Harris: why? What's wrong?

Gary Harris: you know what it's like for me to be in labor for 9 hours, I can't even imagine having to keep on pushing and it still hurts so bad.

Mr. Harris: Oh wow.

Gary Harris: Apparently, Janine weighs around 8 pounds and 16 ounces. That's just a big baby.

Mr. Harris: maybe you ate a lot when you were pregnant with Janine.

Gary Harris: dad no! I was hungry 🤣

Mr. Harris: I know Gary.

"Anyways can I hold her?" His father asked. "Sure dad," In fact, the baby looked a lot like her mom because she was near identical to Gary Harris. "Goodness, she looks so much like you," "I bet she does," Gary answers. Somehow, Janine would start to cry indicating that she wanted her mommy Gary. "Oh sorry," "I'll handle her," His dad hands the baby back to its mother. She was letting out a loud cry. "It's okay my girl, it's okay," Cam and Trey came to see their brother with the baby in his arms and you can tell that Gary was exhausted after the birth of his first daughter. "I know she was as loud as me," He said.

Mr. Harris: you know Gary when Janine turns one or two years old, you'll consider making a sibling for her.

Gary Harris: dad no, you're not going to embarrass me for this.

Mr. Harris: Gary I'm just telling you.

Gary Harris: I know that.

Markelle Fultz was resting at home at the time after Gary Harris gave birth to a girl. Although, two of his best friends Michael Porter Jr and Jarred Vanderbilt came to stop by to see Gary Harris.

Gary Harris: Mike! Good to see you!

Michael Porter Jr: good to see you too! How's everything going?

Gary Harris: it's been great. How about you guys?

Jarred Vanderbilt: oh man! It's been better.

Michael Porter Jr: you know the first thing I did since I didn't have Thomas Welsh with me, it's been getting better.

Gary Harris: I know what you mean by that. You know Markelle Fultz has his moments at times.

Michael Porter Jr: Oh that guy?

Gary Harris: Yeah.

Michael Porter Jr: Tell him that I'll be watching him because I don't want him to cheat on you in which I hope he doesn't do that.

Gary Harris: Bestie you already know, I hope not.

Michael Porter Jr: Good! If he does that one more time, I'll tell him to F off.

Gary Harris: Mike again 🤣

Michael Porter Jr: sorry... anyways, let me see the baby.

Gary hands the baby to Mike. Yet, the baby's name was Janine.

Michael Porter Jr: so adorable, she looks like her mommy.

Jarred Vanderbilt: I know right?

Note: In case you maybe wondering how many months are Gary's best friends

Michael Porter Jr- 9 months and 39 weeks pregnant (with ex fiancé Thomas Welsh.) in case you maybe wondering why Thomas Welsh was dating Deandre Ayton in which it made Mike angry.

Jarred Vanderbilt- 8 months and 37 weeks pregnant. (With fiancé Trey Lyles.) Trey Lyles has his moments sometimes, but Jarred had hoped that he will come back for him when he is due to give birth.

When Gary was in bed, he noticed Mike was already at his 9 months of pregnancy. "Mike you sure you can handle this at 9 months?" "Oh yeah I'm sure, is this the hospital where you had a baby?" He asked. "Yes it is," "Oh yeah, you're right! I'll just go back here in case I might pop," Mike said. "Smart move best friend,"

Michael Porter Jr: don't think I'll hold it any longer.

Gary Harris: you're right.

Jarred Vanderbilt: I'd be panicking if I were you.

Michael Porter Jr: Jarred don't even start.

Jarred Vanderbilt: Sorry Mike.

Michael Porter Jr: I'll see you around then?

Gary Harris: Yes.

Mike and Jarred left the hospital room as Gary continues bonding with the baby alongside Markelle Fultz. When Mike and Jarred left the room. They went on the walk to the parking lot to go to the mall.

Michael Porter Jr: how about this? There is a mall nearby.

Jarred Vanderbilt: Oh yeah! Let's hit the spot.

Michael Porter Jr: let's go.

When they were about to exit the hospital in Fishers, Indiana. Mike felt a sharp pain on his lower belly. "Ahhh..." "Mike? Mike? Mike?" Jarred went to him.

Jarred Vanderbilt: Mike? What happened?

Michael Porter Jr: I don't know what to say but the baby is coming.

Jarred Vanderbilt: Oh God! We're not ready for this! Hello? Are there any doctors in here? My best friend is going to have a baby.

The hospital staff who heard the voice coming from the hospital lobby came to Jarred and said. "Okay let's bring him here to the room," Jarred goes to Mike and helps him out. Supposedly, Mike was going to be due next week, but went early.

Jarred Vanderbilt: I thought you were due next week Mike! 😳😟

Michael Porter Jr: I don't know! I can't prevent it and the baby is coming out now! 😣

Jarred Vanderbilt: Okay stay calm, I'll help you remove your pants.

Michael Porter Jr: Damn it, this is not good 😣. I'm supposed to be out with Jarred at the mall and now I'm about to have a baby.

Jarred Vanderbilt: it's alright Mike. We can go to the mall some other time.

Jarred removes Mike's shoes, pants, underwear, shirt and his Nike Jacket to help him put on his hospital gown. Since his ex-fiancé is not here to see the birth of his baby. Jarred knew he had to be there for him.

Since Gary had a baby, now it was his best friend Michael Porter Jr's turn to give birth (Will be on the Michael Porter Jr Bonus.)

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