Episode One- My Girl 1967

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Episode one: It all started back in 1967, when a young Michael Jackson was 9 and a young Grace Hill was 8, Michael had the Jackson 5 and Grace had the Clover Hills, a group that consisted of her oldest sister Alice who was 14, Wendie who was 12, Daisy who was 11 and her twin brother Will. They also had a brother named Kyle who was 10 years older than Grace, there was a big show that night, a show consisting of sibling groups, the Osmond's were on first, Donnie had a crush on Grace, but the feelings were not mutual, she thought him and his family were a bit strange, but he was nice to her so she didn't mind him that much, but Her dad really couldn't stand the Osmond's, and the fact two of them were trying to go out with his girls really ticked him off, her father liked the Jackson boys, he tolerated Joe, but mrs. Jackson was nice so he actually liked her, Graces dad disliked Joe because he caught him hitting those boys, her dad was abused as a kid himself and seeing those boys being abused like that sent him back to his childhood, He always felt sorry for those boys, so he would invite them over to her house, Funny enough the reason why her and Michael were so close was they lived right down the street from each other, Grace wasn't allowed to go over to his house unless her parents were there since her parents didn't trust Joe, Grace liked Michael a lot, she didn't really understand the feelings she had at the time, she was too young to understand that she had a crush on him, and Michael was the same, But going back to the concert Grace was excited but that was a understatement, she loved performing when Michael was there, she loved to watch him, she was in the dressing room putting on her costume for the show, her and her sisters were wearing matching purple paisley dresses, and little purple hats and shoes, her twin was wearing a purple paisley vest, people thought a pair of twin musicians were cute, but will didn't think so, but when she saw Michael she smiled and ran to him and Hugged him,"Michael you made it." He smiled and hugged her back"well I wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to perform." She laughs and links her arm around his as they walked together, a common thing they did, people always thought the two were cute, not realizing the two had things for each other, but no one would think a 9 year old and 8 year old would have such feelings, after a while the show began and The Osmond's were on first, Donnie was the it kid, even though most people thought Michael was better, when the Osmond's were done Donnie walked pass Grace and he winked at her, he hated how close she was to Michael,"hey Grace, good luck, I wouldn't mind if you won over me, you are a winner in my eyes."Grace faked a smile"thanks Donnie, you too." He walked pass her and she looked at Michael who was trying not to laugh, she laughed first"so gross." Michael laughed and mocked what Donnie said only said it in a cutesy voice. Merrill walked by Alice and winked"good luck Alice." She blushed and thanked him, she composed herself but on the inside she was screaming as she had a crush on him, but what Alice didn't know someone else had feelings for her too, Tito had feelings for her, the two had grown close over their love of Guitar, he was always afraid to confess to her because he knew she didn't feel the same, suddenly the announcer said The Clover Hills were next, Michael quickly hugged Grace and told her good luck, she went out there and sung a Monkee song Daydream Believer, the crowd applauded for them and Grace bowed and thanked the crowd, soon when they got off stage Michael told them how good they were, she smiled and hugged him, next the Jackson 5 was next and the girls and Will wished them luck, Michael began singing My Girl and Grace in her little 8 year old mind hoped he was singing it to her, people cheered for them, and at the end the Jackson 5 won and Grace and her siblings cheered for them, the difference between Graces Dad and Joe was her dad didn't want them to be sore losers or winners, he was proud of them regardless if they won or not, it was an honor and a privilege to be there, Joe wanted the boys to win at all costs, if they didn't win no matter where they placed they lost in his eyes, she even saw them get beat for losing and it made her feel really bad for winning at times, but when the boys got off the stage she hugged him and kissed his cheek and told him how good he was, he hugged her back and he complained her in return, Graces Dad smiled and told both Grace and her siblings and the Jackson's that because they did so well and because the Jackson's won that they would be getting ice cream sundaes at her house and all the kids cheered, Michael got in the car with Grace and sat between Grace and Will as he was close to Will too, she fell asleep on Michaels shoulder, and honestly he would of been lying if he said he wasn't blushing, when they got to the Hill house Graces mother Faith was waiting for them, she hugged Grace and her siblings, when she saw the Jackson's she hugged them too, and congratulated them on their win, and when they had their sundaes, Michael asked if he could sleep over, Joe told Michael he shouldn't ask such a stupid request, Faith being a petty Irish woman smiles down at Michael,"oh Michael of course you can, you can sleep with Will on his bunk." Both Will and Grace were excited, as was Michael, the other Jackson boys went home with Joe, Faith instructed Will to let him lend Michael some of his pajamas, and Grace if he wanted to sleep on the top bunk he could, Michael would of been the only person to sleep in her bunk, she took a hold of Michaels arm and led him to her and Wills Room, when they all got to bed they talked most of the night, Michael was so happy when he was at her home, she made him happy, her family made him feel at home, Her parents were so nice and kind, and her dad was so happy and friendly and kinda wished he was his dad, but in his mind he thought if he married Grace, her dad would be his dad, he laughed at the notion, but he went to sleep dreaming about it, Grace was sleeping happily knowing Michael was sleeping right below her. This was only the beginning of their relationship, as what these two sweet children didn't know was that this was only the tip of the iceberg of what their relationship would be, and the happiness and sadness they were going to experience, see what happens next when we jump to 1970. 

Do You Remember The Time? Season One :1967-1975Where stories live. Discover now