Episode Three: Valentine's Sadness 1973

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Just a trigger warning, this episode is PG-13, there is a mention of SA but it's not in detail at any point because one I could never detail anything like that, and two just hinting and letting the reader come to their own idea is enough, and if this is too much to handle I can make an edit of it, also there a little mention of puberty stuff in here also, so without further ado here is episode 3.

Episode Three: warnings mentions of Assault but no details, and Sexual talk. this episode is PG-13.

It is now February of 1973, and Michael and Grace have been dating since June of 1972, Michael is 15 and Grace is 14, and It's a very special time at the moment, Valentine's Day is right around the corner, that and Graces group The Clover Hills was releasing a new album called Blue Bayou, which is a song she wrote, and she was so excited, Grace was at her school locker getting her work and two hands go over her eyes asking guess who?, she giggles pretending to think a moment,"Hmm Davy Jones." She hears a light laugh she loved so much"no silly, Guess again." She laughs"Is it my Darling Michael?" He laughs again and removes his hands"wow how did you guess so well?" Grace smiles holding in a laugh"well I am a master at things you know." He smiles holding his school work, she of course like always links her arm with his, "So what are our plans this weekend?" Michael looks at Grace puzzled"what's this weekend?" Grace sighs forgetting he doesn't celebrate Valentine's Day,"It's nothing it's just Saturday." Michael sensing Graces annoyance sighs"well maybe we could still go do something together." Grace smiles at his cuteness"oh Michael, you are so cute." She kissed his cheek and with that the two went to class together, after school was over, the two went to her house for a study date but the two goofed off more than studying, Michael was confused all day, wondering what Grace was talking about, he looked at her house calendar and there was a big heart drawn on the 14th, when he looked at it, It said Valentine's Day, he wondered what that meant, it must mean something since it has a heart drawn on it, when Grace sees him in her kitchen looking at her calendar she tilts her head a bit in confusion"Michael Darling what are you doing?" Michael jumps a bit being caught off guard"oh um...well what does this mean?" Grace looking at the 14th she was surprised he didn't know what the 14th was"It's Valentine's Day, it's a romantic holiday for couples." Michael giggles a bit"they made a holiday for couples? Huh that's interesting why do you need a holiday for that?" Grace laughs"Wendie always says it's a corporate holiday." Michael laughs"well me and you don't need a holiday to celebrate our love at all, we show it all the time." Grace smiles and blushes and kisses his cheek"that's right, but you are so romantic Michael Jackson." He smiles and kisses her cheek making her giggle. A knock on the door startled the two and Grace answered it, she's smiles as it was only her mailman, she thanked him and saw a red envelope, she saw it was from Donnie Osmond, she rolled her eyes, Michael looked kinda annoyed but Grace reluctantly opened it, and saw it was two tickets to a Valentine's Day dance for the 34th annual Valentine's Day concert at one of the biggest halls in their area, Grace reads in shock, some of the biggest acts were there,"wow David Cassidy will be there." Michael raises his eyebrow but Grace laughs "not that he's better than you Michael Darling." Grace was going to throw the tickets away but Michael stops her,"no Grace let's go together." Grace looks at Michael in shock"but you don't celebrate holidays remember?" Michael smiles"I know but we aren't going for that reason, it's only a dance and we can rub it in Donnies face." Grace chuckles and wraps her arms around Michael and kisses his lips softly, A few days later Alice got a letter from Merrill with the same thing two tickets to the big Valentine's Day dance, but Alice was going with Tito, which worked out for Michael and Grace since the two couldn't drive yet, it was the night of the dance, and Grace was extremely excited, Alice was downstairs with Tito and Michael, Alice yells up the stairs"hey miss America let's go." Which earns a laugh from Tito and Michael, Grace looked in the mirror and smiled at her outfit, a cute tan skirt with red hearts on it, a sparkly red top with a heart shaped neckline, she had tights on with hearts in them and red GoGo boots, she also had makeup on, she of course wasn't wearing red lipstick since her mom would have a fit, she also pulled her hair back with a red scarf tied in her hair, when she walked downstairs Michael had his eyes on her, she looked so beautiful to him, Alice also looked really pretty with her knee length red sparkly dress and red heels on, Grace smiles up at Michael and smiles at the heart tie he had on"you look really good Michael, I mean you look so handsome." Michael blushes a bit and smiles and kisses the top of Graces head"you look beautiful." She smiles up at him, after sometime they are all at the dance, and Grace spots Donnie and his brothers sitting at a table, which makes Grace roll her eyes, Grace holds onto Michaels arm as she walks by Donnie, Merrill sees Alice holding onto Tito's arm, he gets upset and looks at Donnie"how they got our girls is beyond me." Donnie shakes his head "I am going to get Grace to dance with me." Crocodile rock is playing and Grace laughs and starts singing it to Michael who also starts laughing, "only you would like this song Grace." Grace laughs, dancing machine plays and Michael shows off which Tito joins Michael for, making Alice and Grace laugh, but soon enough Donnie gets on stage and smiles"I am going to sing a song for a special girl." Grace is mortified, Donnie starts singing his single the Twelfth of Never, Michael gets upset and Grace is trying to calm him down, Merrill walks up behind Alice which makes her jump, Merrill smiles and asks Alice if she wants to dance, which makes Tito mad, Alice stands up and pushes him away"No I don't If I am going to dance I am going to dance with my Boyfriend Tito." Merrill gets mad and whispers into Alice's ear which earns a slap from her, she runs to the bathroom with tears in her eyes, Tito try's to run after her but the Osmond brothers stop him, Grace wasn't paying attention, a very romantic song called my love by Paul McCartney was playing, and the two were slow dancing, Michael smiles down at Grace and kisses her forehead,"You look so beautiful tonight but you look beautiful every night." Grace smiles up at him and wraps her arms around him just swaying to the music, but suddenly Michael tilts Graces head up and they stare into each other's eyes, and they begin to kiss on the lips, they felt a sensation like never before and begin making out, Grace pulls away scared of this feeling she felt and runs to the bathroom, making Michael confused, Grace sees Merrill walk out of the girls bathroom and he winks at her, Grace suddenly gets a bad feeling in her stomach and rushes into the girls room and sees her sister, her dress was torn and she looked confused and scared, she was shaking, and Grace looked at her sister in shock, and went to her sister and touched Alice's shoulder, which made Alice Yelp, Grace put her hands up in a defensive manner and said"Alice it's me your sister Grace." Alice looks at Grace and begins to cry, Grace asks Alice what happened to her and why does she look like this and Alice shakes her head and says with tears in her eyes that she just wants to go home, around 30 minutes later the girls were home and Grace kisses Michael goodbye but Alice wouldn't even look at Tito, when Dan and Faith saw Alice they immediately rush Alice to the hospital, Grace laid on her bed wondering what happened between her and Michael and what was that feeling she felt when he was kissing her, she got curious and picked up a book her mom got her about puberty, and when she read something about having a sexual feeling she threw the book across the room, she made a gross face,"that's gross that's not what happened." But Alice on the other hand was not ok mentally, Dan and Alice came home without Alice and they called their other kids downstairs, Kyle, Wendie, Daisy, Will and Grace sat on the couch and they could tell Faith had been crying, Dan sighs holding back tears"Guys Alice is in a fragile state right now, Alice was hurt in a way that no girl should be hurt." Grace tears up"it was Merrill wasn't it?, that jerk hurt Alice and it's all my fault." Grace runs upstairs crying, Wendie and Daisy go after Grace to comfort her, Kyle stands up with his fists balled up"That bastard touched my sister didn't he? And don't lie." Dan nods finally letting the tears out, Kyle grabs his keys and Dan asks where he is going and Kyle leaves not saying anything,The Hill sisters cry for their sister, holding each other, Will goes and comforts his mother who is blaming herself, She calls Katherine and tells her what happened, When Katherine gets off the phone she is crying, Joe sees her and asks her what's wrong?, Katherine wipes her tears away"Alice was Hurt and she's in the hospital." Michael looks shocked"I have to call Grace and see if she's ok." Tito stands in the hallway crying for the girl he loved so much, scared for her, feeling like he should of shoved the Osmond brothers away so he could save Alice, a few weeks later Alice found out she was pregnant and was scared, her family supported her and helped her out, she was going away for awhile to stay with her fathers sister, she was going to give the baby away to her aunt who couldn't have kids, but Merrill found out and purposed to Alice, which by the way Kyle beat the daylights out of him, which is how he found out about Alice being in the hospital, Alice being confused and not knowing what to do accepted, which upset her family, and Tito was heartbroken, but moved on to another he married quickly after, Alice gave birth to a little girl she named April, and she married Merrill shortly after, Grace was clingy to Michael after all of this, as she hated all of this, and the clover hills wasn't the same after this. But what was to come would shock Grace to her core and proved how much she hated the Osmond's.

Find out what happens in episode 4, Part 1, 

Do You Remember The Time? Season One :1967-1975Where stories live. Discover now